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DSP资料区 今日: 0|主题: 4691|排名: 21 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] TI DSP 6day 培训 attachment  ...23 sovenna 2009-8-25 283928 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-11 15:26
[原创] 实现TMS320C6X1XHPI启动模式.pdf attachment nanjinglh 2008-6-3 41695 ALLFIRST111222 2009-12-11 15:24
[原创] 关于DSP2812的常见问题总结,长识了。 good_ligaofeng 2009-12-11 17516 tjpu_wenyanbin 2009-12-11 12:55
[原创] TI 2812 cmd 文件 attachment  ...23 huanan 2006-2-24 266617 heliopolis 2009-12-11 09:11
[原创] DSP CMD文件的编写 转帖 tjpu_wenyanbin 2009-12-9 11748 tjpu_wenyanbin 2009-12-9 21:23
[原创] HotWC3已具备简易串口助手功能 attach_img hotpower 2009-12-9 01795 hotpower 2009-12-9 20:11
[原创] dsp开发人员人手一本的CCS教程 cambrain 2009-12-9 02391 cambrain 2009-12-9 08:40
[原创] DSP硬件论文集 attachment  ...23456..8 lealog 2008-3-6 7712112 wangjunweiair 2009-12-9 00:11
[原创] C语言与MATLAB接口:编程与实例 attachment  ...23456..8 greenband 2006-9-15 7313961 qspine 2009-12-8 20:21
[原创] 单片机+dsp封装 attachment tiger_hyh 2009-5-29 21349 qixueli001 2009-12-8 16:12
[原创] DSP接口技术 attachment  ...23 haoleide 2006-11-25 224562 omitofoo 2009-12-7 13:46
[原创] 基于FPGA和DSP的音频采集卡的实现 attachment  ...2 tms320c55x 2008-4-25 153312 omitofoo 2009-12-7 13:19
[原创] 基于MATLAB的DSP调试方法 attachment sir0501 2009-12-2 11312 omitofoo 2009-12-7 11:02
[原创] TMS320C6000系列DSPs外接FLASH引导方式的实现 attachment lgxs 2009-11-21 51503 omitofoo 2009-12-7 10:59
[原创] TMS320F28xx和TMS320F28xxx DSCs的硬件设计指南 attachment  ...2 enjoy1010 2009-4-19 102734 omitofoo 2009-12-6 21:57
[原创] DSP天津大学课件 attachment  ...2 thyears 2009-8-20 143521 omitofoo 2009-12-6 21:20
[原创] DSP原理及其在移动通信中的应用 attachment  ...2 cdfldf1984 2009-6-26 112785 omitofoo 2009-12-6 18:23
[原创] 嵌入式BootLoader技术内幕 attachment  ...234 iceyuz3 2006-10-13 3211286 omitofoo 2009-12-6 15:34
[原创] 滤波器设计发布 qdmx 2009-12-6 01619 qdmx 2009-12-6 11:07
[原创] 华中科技大学2001年研究生入学考试15门试题试卷.rar attachment fingjjjjjj 2009-11-26 32997 yacclex 2009-12-3 16:50
[原创] 请推荐一款性价比好的DSP学习开发套件 llama 2007-3-30 24662 zgq110486 2009-12-2 17:42
[原创] 北理工的c6000的经典教程,挺不错的 attachment  ...2 xx_zhou 2009-10-9 152567 cto 2009-12-2 13:20
[原创] 合众打SEED-DEC2812用户指南 attachment weihelinyejv 2009-12-1 01384 weihelinyejv 2009-12-1 11:41
[原创] baTMS320F2812的电力系统谐波分析仪的设计与实  ...2 sky925 2007-12-16 122668 haoyachuan 2009-11-26 16:14
[原创] Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing attachment chenzhepeter 2009-10-9 31472 chiro1982 2009-11-23 11:46
[原创] 3-D tomographic imaging of ocean mines from real and simulated lidar returns fingjjjjjj 2009-11-22 01162 fingjjjjjj 2009-11-22 23:14
[原创] Active Learning for Detection of Mine-Like Objects in Side-Scan Sonar Imagery attachment fingjjjjjj 2009-11-22 01420 fingjjjjjj 2009-11-22 23:11
[原创] 发一本6416的DSK原理图吧 attachment lightnight_lee 2009-11-21 01791 lightnight_lee 2009-11-21 20:19
[原创] speex怎么在vs2008中编译? jiangyaoyan 2009-11-18 02709 jiangyaoyan 2009-11-18 10:30
[原创] 关于视频采集 lqq86 2009-11-15 11277 lqq86 2009-11-17 20:55
[原创] DSP外部电路设计的经典著作!!! attachment  ...23456..11 frankhery 2007-9-4 10312955 fanda100 2009-11-17 15:51
[原创] 数字信号处理教程非常好的书 attachment  ...2 2006003008 2008-12-1 102506 fingjjjjjj 2009-11-14 08:24
[原创] MPEG4编码程序(C源码) attachment  ...234 henry1981525 2006-7-17 387235 xhangwei 2009-11-14 07:40
[原创] 如何对AT91微控制器外接 4x4 键盘 attachment liuq53336 2009-10-8 23488 forestmeng 2009-11-11 21:07
[原创] 积分赚取 yongyan2 2009-11-11 11373 tjpu_wenyanbin 2009-11-11 18:28
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