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DSP资料区 今日: 10 |主题: 4691|排名: 41 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] 共享《DSP集成开发环境-CCS及DSP BIOS的原理与应用》源码 attachment  ...234 vivi_ran 2007-4-12 337653 binnq 2024-6-7 10:34
[资料] 汽车电子标准 attachment chentienian 2013-12-13 62532 binnq 2024-6-7 10:31
[原创] 物理学资料合集(免费) attachment  ...234 zenmeban_119 2009-5-8 357254 binnq 2024-6-7 10:25
[原创] 动态补偿滤波器(6页) attachment  ...2 beautyheart 2008-12-8 143907 binnq 2024-6-7 09:36
[资料] Understanding Digital Signal Processing by Gazi 216 attachment  ...23 hi_china59 2017-5-31 267721 binnq 2024-6-7 09:27
[原创] 【Springer 2008 新书】Communication System Design Using DSP Algorithms attachment  ...23456..10 lotusky 2008-1-29 9818498 binnq 2024-6-7 09:23
[原创] Adaptive Nonlinear System Identification attachment  ...234 xh100 2008-7-5 369734 BrianLyx 2024-6-7 09:17
[原创] 插补原理、刀补原理与速度控制 ppt attachment rcm72182 2007-10-6 62428 binnq 2024-6-7 09:03
[资料] 数电课件 attachment 韩一飞 2021-3-13 92458 binnq 2024-6-7 08:59
[资料] Digital Signal Processing: A Computer Science Perspective整本PDF attachment  ...234 土豆烧牛肉WOW 2020-7-1 304794 binnq 2024-6-7 08:57
[原创] 闻亭公司DSP官方培训课程,强烈推荐!!! attachment  ...23456..22 智慧棒 2012-2-10 21940067 binnq 2024-6-7 08:55
[原创] 各种数据压缩算法源码! attachment  ...2 cooper096 2007-7-16 195914 binnq 2024-6-6 18:01
[原创] 【好书分享】Digital Filters Design for Signal and Image Processing attach_img  ...23456..7 chevroletss 2011-1-17 6115437 binnq 2024-6-6 18:00
[原创] 实时信号处理——信号处理系统的设计与实现 attachment  ...234 A1985 2010-5-18 326475 binnq 2024-6-6 17:54
[原创] [分享]六层DSP+ARM原理图、PCB attachment  ...23456..17 jianseven 2006-11-22 16031644 binnq 2024-6-6 17:46
[资料] TeakLite_MP3_Decoder_Ref_Guide_V1.8.pdf attachment imzsg 2024-5-1 2253 binnq 2024-6-6 17:22
[资料] 多採樣 聖經本 第2版 attachment  ...23 eisbergeisberg 2023-8-1 242234 binnq 2024-6-6 17:12
[原创] 音频与语音信号处理的英文原版书 attachment  ...23456..11 cookey 2009-1-10 10432243 binnq 2024-6-6 17:07
[资料] ADI智库 - 模拟电子器件基础教程 attachment  ...2 ysyanda 2022-2-23 163414 binnq 2024-6-6 16:58
[原创] 回波抵消算法 attachment  ...2 liuhongju3 2007-4-20 194737 binnq 2024-6-6 16:54
[资料] 数字信号处理经典电子书合计 attach_img  ...23456 hellolemon1987 2013-4-16 5317192 binnq 2024-6-6 16:53
DSP程序开发:MATLAB调试及直接目标代码生成 attachment  ...23456..32 greenband 2006-9-15 31536105 binnq 2024-6-6 16:53
[资料] 春季享受賞花的床頭書 義大利專家撰寫的数字音频基礎英文版 attachment eisbergeisberg 2023-3-2 51082 binnq 2024-6-6 16:51
[原创] Adaptive Filter Theory (中文版) Simon Haykin attachment  ...23456..7 johnhsu 2012-11-17 6817083 binnq 2024-6-6 16:42
[原创] Digital Filters: Principles and Applications with MATLAB attach_img  ...23456..8 hi_china59 2011-12-8 7921906 deepcore 2024-6-2 23:35
[资料] Understanding Digital Signal Processing _3rd_RICHARD attach_img  ...2345 anygo 2022-7-2 414333 coxswainy 2024-6-1 09:56
[资料] 【省钱版】 全美经典 信号与系统 Hwei.P.Hsu attachment  ...2 tao0314000 2014-12-16 113982 Xunuoo 2024-5-24 13:45
[原创] DSP集成开发环境:CCS及DSP_BIOS的原理与应用 attachment  ...2345 swimfish5 2009-6-15 477455 Ralphjh 2024-5-22 14:02
[资料] DSP書籍 1000多頁大部頭 補胎壓單車胎的好書~~ attachment  ...2 eisbergeisberg 2023-3-6 162393 flyskyseu 2024-5-20 17:42
[资料] Adaptive Filter Theory, 5th attachment  ...23456..7 deepcore 2017-10-22 6220568 i_test 2024-5-20 17:11
[资料] ADI智库 - 数据采样基础知识 attachment  ...2 ysyanda 2022-2-23 112630 i_test 2024-5-20 16:54
[原创] 数字音频增加dither 新人帖 attachment zhuzhizhan 2024-5-14 5445 i_test 2024-5-20 16:03
[原创] DU562音频处理芯片—车载娱乐设备音响解决方案 isweek 2024-5-17 0504 isweek 2024-5-17 11:29
电机调速经典pid发源代码 attachment  ...2 sghwjp 2009-8-29 174788 zhuzhizhan 2024-5-15 09:22
[原创] can总线协议 attachment  ...2 huang3115505 2007-5-20 144329 zhuzhizhan 2024-5-15 09:21
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