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DSP资料区 今日: 0|主题: 4637|排名: 8 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Approach attachment  ...23 mpoix 2015-4-28 204397 xdrxdr 2023-12-31 01:21
[原创] Understanding Digital Signal Processing 2nd edition Lyons 清晰PDF无水印版 attachment  ...23456..9 zzz123456789 2011-5-26 8325956 xdrxdr 2023-12-30 04:46
[原创] architectures for DSP attachment  ...2 fengwei16 2009-6-9 155418 skahill 2023-12-29 11:54
[原创] TMS320C6000系列原理-共500多页,效果超清晰,PDF格式  ...23456..10 西士多 2008-6-17 9113815 skahill 2023-12-26 20:59
[资料] DSP最好的入门教程 力天电子手把手教你学DSP之入门篇 attachment  ...2 Hugo801122 2014-4-3 165583 peiyingjie 2023-12-24 19:33
[原创] 双线性变换法IIR数字滤波器C代码 attachment  ...23 wpf02821532 2007-6-11 225906 im.leo 2023-12-20 11:17
[原创] Understanding FFT Applications attachment  ...2 无相无住 2009-6-15 183517 xdrxdr 2023-12-17 00:31
[原创] 绝好的经典之作:Multirate Systems and Filter Banks(重新压缩后上传每个附件5M) attachment  ...23456..18 zhaish 2009-1-14 17224066 sutaotao2001 2023-12-16 09:47
一本数字信号处理和降噪的书 attachment  ...234 laocai 2009-6-28 306197 yuanpin318 2023-12-15 13:26
[原创] 现代信号处理第二版-张贤达(PDF) attach_img  ...23456 fanyan861110 2011-2-3 5224577 wallyqin 2023-12-15 08:39
[原创] 信号与系统分析及MATLAB实现 PDF格式(很好的书哦) attachment  ...23456..57 wfing 2008-9-21 56281956 gggjian 2023-12-4 12:09
[资料] Think DSP Digital Signal Processing in Python attachment  ...2 CerberusX 2022-6-26 101514 Ayush742 2023-11-28 19:47
[原创] 数字语音处理及MATLAB仿真[张雪英][程序源代码].rar attachment  ...234 yxxjtu 2012-2-8 3610268 jw216 2023-11-24 20:40
[原创] 【ebook】《信号与系统》(上下册)(第二版)(郑君里) attachment  ...23456..25 genghis 2009-11-7 24348569 jack_20150410 2023-11-24 10:20
DSP 好书:The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing attachment  ...23456..14 coordinate 2009-6-18 13825270 Ralphjh 2023-11-22 17:29
[原创] An_FPGA-Based_Software_Defined_Radio_Platform_for_the_24GHz_ISM_Band attachment  ...2 shubh_ic 2012-10-26 163874 tellingstory 2023-11-17 16:42
[原创] Ebook:DSP Filters attachment  ...2 shawkle 2007-10-26 194660 tellingstory 2023-11-16 21:44
[资料] 数字信号处理的FPGA实现(英文第三版)[国外经典教材] attachment  ...234 hnehc 2014-5-16 307778 tellingstory 2023-11-16 20:52
[原创] DSP软件编程与算法实现(绝对经典) attachment  ...23456..18 jrx96 2009-2-14 17234175 tellingstory 2023-11-15 16:55
[资料] DSP算法大全(C语言版) attachment  ...23456..14 经典悲剧 2011-8-12 13129257 tellingstory 2023-11-14 14:53
[原创] 基于FPGA的FIR滤波器的实现_ attachment  ...2 eagle217 2009-4-11 113319 tellingstory 2023-11-13 20:43
[原创] DSP算法大全C语言版本 attachment  ...234 luxiaojie 2009-8-22 378487 tellingstory 2023-11-13 20:40
[资料] Digital Signal Processing with FPGA attach_img craybird 2022-1-29 91703 tellingstory 2023-11-13 20:38
[原创] Advanced Digital Signal Processing and Noise Reduction, Saeed V. Vaseghi attachment  ...2 littlemelon 2010-2-11 143269 tellingstory 2023-11-13 20:27
[原创] 精典好书:Audio Signal Processing and Coding attachment  ...23456..7 wyz165099 2009-11-5 6715169 tellingstory 2023-11-13 17:12
[原创] 微弱信号检测PDF版,(经典,强力推荐) attachment  ...23456..40 xvminjun 2009-1-31 39174745 soldierwuhan 2023-11-13 09:49
[原创] wiley出版的数字信号处理和滤波器设计入门高清英文原版书 attachment  ...23456..9 tcyhx 2009-8-28 8218484 soldierwuhan 2023-11-13 09:48
[原创] Digital Signal Processing using Matlab 原版PDF attachment  ...23 franklee 2019-3-2 234301 Electron_tube 2023-11-3 21:40
[原创] 嵌入式Linux应用程序开发详解 attachment wuxinhope123 2009-4-9 51921 zoe0615 2023-10-29 15:13
[资料] ADI智库 - 数据采样基础知识 attachment ysyanda 2022-2-23 91992 lutherliu 2023-10-25 13:48
[原创] Digital Signal Processing Handbook - Second Edition - 3 Volume Set attach_img  ...23456 netking 2010-5-24 5812996 lutherliu 2023-10-25 10:00
[原创] dsp 必看资料 attachment  ...2 arklau 2011-3-14 153514 ayamitek 2023-10-22 13:36
[原创] 基于dsp和FPGA的机器人声控系统设计与实现 attachment will745 2010-10-15 41646 ayamitek 2023-10-22 13:34
[原创] 做DSP最应该懂得157个问题(回答) attachment  ...234 wangqian0818 2007-11-17 304369 infortrans 2023-10-20 09:16
[原创] DSP集成开发环境CCS使用指南 attachment  ...2 275625156 2009-7-5 143142 xike2002 2023-10-18 06:42
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