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DSP资料区 今日: 4 |主题: 4691|排名: 14 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] TI的DSP/BIOS研讨会教程(122页,全英文) attachment  ...2345 磐石 2008-5-6 448204 gregoryw 2015-8-7 23:32
[原创] Wireless Communications - The Future attachment  ...2 dreamath 2010-1-27 192660 gregoryw 2015-8-7 23:03
[原创] Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB - Steven T. Karris.pdf attachment  ...2 lcl6000 2008-11-16 113160 gregoryw 2015-8-7 22:56
[原创] Control Tutorials for MATLAB and Simulink attach_img  ...2 gaconht 2010-11-28 153175 gregoryw 2015-8-7 21:52
[原创] 一个实用的IIR程序 attachment  ...2 tms320c55x 2008-4-25 133708 cwpeng 2015-8-5 10:18
利用DSP实现IIR滤波器的精度扩展 attachment  ...23 huang3115505 2007-5-20 214783 cwpeng 2015-8-5 10:17
TMS320LF2407A矢量控制变频器的开发经验.pdf attachment  ...2345 yg2003618 2008-6-11 418515 091120057 2015-8-3 22:30
[求助] 奥本海默第三版的答案有了么? leohart 2015-7-29 01986 leohart 2015-7-29 10:42
[原创] DSP国产化电路、DSP2406、DSP2407、DSP2810、DSP2812 ljdic201 2011-4-26 64492 moon_lai 2015-7-28 21:58
[原创] 国产DSP公司资料揭秘! attachment ljdic201 2011-4-28 95791 moon_lai 2015-7-28 21:30
[原创] looking for new book: Discrete-Time Signal Processing (3rd Edition) hi_china59 2010-1-6 811555 ccider 2015-6-30 23:12
[原创] ccs使用手册 attachment  ...2 wzl9832 2007-7-12 125138 cyf200866 2015-6-27 09:17
[原创] ZSP的C语言和汇编语言混合编程资料 attachment  ...2 Mrhuang 2009-9-6 113400 dazuo78 2015-6-22 22:22
[原创] 2812AD转换程序-已调试通过 attachment  ...23456..12 shichenghua 2006-12-14 11921233 optoelectronic 2015-6-16 11:18
[资料] SOM-TL665x核心板规格书 attachment tongxin422 2015-6-3 03332 tongxin422 2015-6-3 22:11
[其它] 3-基于Xilinx Virtex-6 XC6VSX315T 和TI DSP TMS320C6678的VPX架构信号处理板 orihard1 2014-6-5 35406 frank_chen203 2015-6-3 11:29
[求助] 求推荐“多核DSP+FPGA”开发板 frank_chen203 2015-6-2 01774 frank_chen203 2015-6-2 17:36
[原创] DSP经验分享 ltyh987 2013-7-23 83242 happydk 2015-5-28 11:59
[原创] codewarrior重要资料 attachment  ...2 luowei5261 2009-10-1 109851 maochrng 2015-5-28 10:54
[原创] tms320dm6446 attachment ace11 2008-3-27 63950 brume009 2015-5-20 13:59
[原创] 绘制多层PCB技术问答 attachment  ...2 zhangzhenwei8 2010-4-11 153843 lxy2730 2015-5-17 10:32
[原创] xDS-510 USB2.0安装使用说明书 attachment shichenghua 2006-10-26 64721 bryanwizard 2015-5-15 00:04
[原创] 求指纹识别算法! chengweiquan 2008-9-15 12106 上海大学 2015-5-14 16:36
[原创] 同济大学数字信号处理及实验课程的精品视频67-72,强烈推荐!!! attachment 智慧棒 2012-1-8 82933 feifeifang111 2015-5-13 19:29
[原创] 北交大数字信号处理 attachment  ...2 r65840 2007-1-2 143794 feifeifang111 2015-5-13 19:05
[资料] SMD焊接指南 attachment zhangzhenwei8 2010-4-11 72433 Clarklin 2015-5-13 00:51
[原创] Excel by Example: A Microsoft Excel Cookbook for Electronics Engineers attachment  ...2 rfjungle 2008-1-3 193971 BlueSky68 2015-5-10 07:49
[原创] 合众达SEEDvpm642音频测试程序!!! attachment  ...2 expressme 2007-5-14 123745 yllgq 2015-5-9 20:47
[原创] DSP Builder设计初步 attachment mengsuixindong 2014-8-16 31699 wudidaizi 2015-5-6 08:22
[原创] ADZS-BF609-EZLITE原装开发板 zhangshizhuo2 2013-11-30 33100 lianggui5 2015-4-30 08:52
[原创] pcb的电磁兼容设计 attachment  ...23 tianfei00 2010-8-14 205059 瑜伽 2015-4-16 00:13
[原创] TMS320F2812的protel版封装库 attachment  ...2 mxqian 2007-1-11 198018 静一 2015-4-14 21:29
[原创] 世界500强面试题 attachment  ...2 yyphpu 2009-5-2 133155 weiboshe 2015-4-1 09:57
[原创] ucos在F2812上的移植 attachment  ...2 klipdas 2006-11-14 154260 1392820755 2015-3-31 10:09
[原创] TMS320C6748广州创龙开发板学习心得 huluhaziqi 2015-3-17 01973 huluhaziqi 2015-3-17 09:25
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