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DSP资料区 今日: 4 |主题: 4689|排名: 43 

版主: cjsb37, thyears
[原创] 基于FMC接口的DSP TMS320C6455子卡模块 orihard1 2012-11-7 17748 robinfit01 2016-1-24 17:21
[原创] 基于 DSP TMS320C6455的CPCI高速信号处理板卡 orihard1 2011-7-13 212788 robinfit01 2016-1-24 17:20
[原创] TI CCS 4.2 FULL LICENSE attachment  ...23456..14 vanduongbk 2011-3-29 13425170 Loserman1964 2016-1-20 09:16
[原创] 视频压缩与音频编码技术 attachment  ...234 2004ip 2010-2-10 356342 lyd964201 2016-1-12 15:08
[原创] TI C6000 DSK 开发板的学习例程 attachment kpird 2011-4-8 63675 skjeon78 2016-1-10 13:23
[原创] 一本小波入门不错的外文书《A First Course on WAVELETS》 attachment  ...2 昏昏默默 2010-10-26 123943 huiyi9309 2016-1-9 15:42
[求助] TMS320C6713程序引导问题 求助 snowolf911 2014-1-22 32946 jason263 2016-1-6 15:10
[求助] SystemVue问题,恳请大神指导 piao2015 2015-9-29 22442 piao2015 2015-12-28 21:01
[原创] 一种图像动态范围压缩算法及其FPGA实现.pdf attachment 逸风_zc 2012-11-4 62095 _winder 2015-12-27 22:50
[原创] MATLAB仿真技术与应用教程. attachment  ...234 lcl6000 2008-11-16 355775 xiaocheng12345 2015-12-25 16:20
[求助] 求助GPS/INS经典教材 daxiangwuxing 2015-12-21 02265 daxiangwuxing 2015-12-21 22:44
[原创] RGB和YUV的资料 attachment  ...2345 huayuanxuezi 2006-11-10 489834 abcyou 2015-12-21 15:28
[原创] TMS320X2808中文手册 pdf attachment tjpu_wenyanbin 2009-12-14 73314 maki2004 2015-12-17 13:18
[原创] 绝版DSP好书(TMS320C6000系列DSPs原理与应用(第二版))() attachment  ...23 doit1105 2009-8-3 288405 ntthlman 2015-12-16 12:51
[原创] 新型PID控制及其应用 attachment  ...2 luxiaojie 2009-8-22 133264 iadslpro 2015-12-13 19:37
[原创] DSP交大培训材料 attachment  ...23456..7 lqq86 2009-10-31 6810318 jack_20150410 2015-12-10 10:47
[原创] RetimingRetiming attachment sinosound 2009-7-17 72484 wangfang5916036 2015-11-27 09:22
[原创] 可编程多协议收发器MAX3160的原理与应用 attachment  ...2 strlmj 2006-12-5 114650 lijian758 2015-11-25 14:32
[原创] 电子科大matlab教程 attachment chidaoke 2009-11-20 62484 3ustar 2015-11-21 10:38
[原创] 求助:请帮忙看看我的原理图(CY7C68013) attachment ffeixiang 2007-9-5 814492 980025867 2015-11-6 10:45
[原创] DSPC语言编程 attachment zhwzjf 2009-12-30 62673 童诗白 2015-11-4 19:43
[原创] SSD-DM642 Ver2.0多路实时图像处理开发平台详细资料 attachment  ...2345 lhzsw 2007-8-14 4113473 billow_xa 2015-11-2 15:33
[原创] TI MCU Training attachment barton545 2009-9-6 72528 yangweijlu 2015-9-24 17:11
[原创] <<DSP控制器及其应用>>从基础到FFT非常有用! attachment  ...23 adlaieetop 2007-1-3 245670 核桃树 2015-9-19 17:33
[原创] c6455 flash 烧写代码共享 attachment shiyc1217 2015-9-16 01496 shiyc1217 2015-9-16 22:17
[原创] TUTORIAL MATLAB IMAGES AND VIDEO attachment  ...23 asp200 2009-6-27 244501 muxl 2015-9-2 09:59
[原创] Davinci DM6446开发攻略 attachment zjfeng84 2010-7-28 82463 mzf2005 2015-8-29 18:27
[原创] 基于TMS320LF2407ADSP的瞄准捕获和跟踪伺服控制系统研究 attachment  ...23 normalboy 2006-12-15 2610927 416hj 2015-8-28 14:22
[原创] DSP systems_ interfacing with the outside world attachment hemuo 2007-1-31 32004 muxl 2015-8-16 13:08
[原创] DSP 开发工具 VisualDSP中文手册 HONGERR 2008-5-29 66297 jack.tan 2015-8-13 09:07
[原创] 求书:VLSI数字信号处理系统设计与实现 philipzhou 2007-4-6 22826 wujianqiu 2015-8-9 14:10
[原创] Schaum's Outlines Signals and Systems attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-4-23 102533 gregoryw 2015-8-7 23:36
[原创] TI的DSP/BIOS研讨会教程(122页,全英文) attachment  ...2345 磐石 2008-5-6 448129 gregoryw 2015-8-7 23:32
[原创] Wireless Communications - The Future attachment  ...2 dreamath 2010-1-27 192639 gregoryw 2015-8-7 23:03
[原创] Circuit Analysis II with MATLAB - Steven T. Karris.pdf attachment  ...2 lcl6000 2008-11-16 113125 gregoryw 2015-8-7 22:56
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