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[资料] OLCD驱动电路设计优秀硕士论文 attachment  ...2 riyueguanghua 2010-4-29 145380 yang520 2022-8-30 22:42
[原创] 【USB资料大集合】偶搜集的 大量驱动源码 CY7C68013  ...2 sealove518 2010-9-14 177761 ayamitek 2022-7-21 12:03
LINUX设备驱动第3版 attachment  ...23456 deb999 2007-9-30 5110909 ayamitek 2022-7-21 11:59
demonstrates USB communications with a HID-class device [vc++ source code] attachment  ...23 jienyuan 2009-5-13 227960 ayamitek 2022-7-21 11:54
[原创] 数据结构(C语言版)].严蔚敏_吴伟民.扫描版 attachment  ...234 konizhang 2012-1-6 3516180 jw216 2022-7-20 21:56
计算机组织与体系结构.性能设计第六版 attachment  ...23 chengchengding 2009-9-4 247553 MARKcz 2022-7-2 13:50
[资料] 精通LINUX设备驱动程序开发 attachment  ...2 曾义和 2014-11-4 1520550 jls1978 2022-6-1 14:49
中高频IGBT 驱动版PCB attachment  ...2 littlebug111111 2009-9-25 174546 edison0217 2022-5-16 12:26
Undocumented Windows 2000 Secrets简体中文版 attachment  ...2 damige 2006-11-29 176738 xlteam2 2022-5-15 14:54
arm9原理图下载 attachment  ...2 412326 2008-4-15 195007 xlteam2 2022-4-25 08:51
[求助] 大家好 分享 一本書 NewBluePill深入理解硬件虚拟机 attachment eisbergeisberg 2022-3-27 21586 kkchao 2022-3-27 15:22
linux内核驱动模型 attachment  ...234 jixiaolin18 2008-8-8 349247 hughs 2021-12-22 09:06
转贴:嵌入式BOOTLOADE技术内幕(是综述,对新人理解架构很有帮助) attachment  ...2345 xinzhu0115 2008-4-5 449119 wbchung 2021-12-19 14:23
[资料] USB 开发必备的查询资料,SCSI Primary Commands - 4 (SPC-4)推荐给大家! attachment  ...2 skyfighter 2011-12-20 179063 Alaskacrab 2021-12-8 17:46
[原创] GP9303 + GP8101S 0-5V 电压隔离方案 attach_img chuangye 2020-11-27 82519 ACE007 2021-11-22 15:06
大公司的招聘要求。 attachment  ...234 fffffffffff 2008-11-13 3610197 取名518 2021-11-2 11:38
Developing Drivers with the Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation attachment  ...23 blance 2008-8-3 218115 chiuchiu 2021-10-28 01:59
[原创] I2C 转4-20mA DAC芯片:GP8302 attach_img  ...2 chuangye 2021-3-11 1220166 ACE007 2021-10-8 10:41
显卡驱动详细设计说明 for tornado attachment  ...23456 neowang 2005-11-1 5016237 whulaisla 2021-9-21 00:10
基于DDK的USB接口WDM驱动开发 attachment  ...23456..7 baibai11149 2008-12-17 6417289 whulaisla 2021-9-20 23:49
最全PCI9054驱动开发资料 attachment  ...234 newcreater 2008-7-23 389858 whulaisla 2021-9-20 22:53
Linux 2.6 设备驱动模型 (中文) attachment  ...23456..16 jixiaolin18 2008-8-8 15528714 zyfwh 2021-9-12 20:13
MTK平台入门资料 attachment  ...23456..9 rabbitkn 2006-12-1 8836423 zyfwh 2021-9-12 20:13
[资料] 操作系统_精髓与设计原理_Eng 7th OS_Internals and Design Principles attach_img yue4875 2018-10-14 73360 zyfwh 2021-9-12 20:11
[原创] GP8501 双通道PWM转双路0-2.5V/0-VCC输出 attach_img  ...2 chuangye 2021-3-17 1217982 zyfwh 2021-9-10 23:16
全美经典学习指导系列-电机与机电学 attachment chengchengding 2009-9-4 82991 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 11:41
Windows2000设备驱动程序设计指南(清晰扫描版) attachment  ...2 asuka0571 2009-6-25 144763 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 11:40
发点经典正确全面的资料,PCI9054中文手册 attachment  ...23456..7 zhuo811 2009-9-8 6319349 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 11:39
[原创] 实时UML:开发嵌入式系统高效对象 attachment  ...2 diman 2013-6-4 176074 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 10:19
c与c++嵌入式系统编程 attachment  ...23456 xuhaowu 2006-12-27 5714377 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 10:14
WinDriver中文使用手册 attachment  ...23456..9 surveillant 2009-4-13 8619612 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 10:13
Beyond_BIOS attachment  ...23 neilz 2008-11-4 236787 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 10:12
构建嵌入式Linux系统.chm attachment  ...2 gaowei0525 2008-5-23 136136 martin_zheng 2021-9-10 10:11
l嵌入式inux开发详解 attachment alexxu_118 2008-10-25 93613 wxl_123 2021-8-20 22:11
Microsoft+Windows+CE+Device+Driver+Kit设备驱动程序开发指南 attachment  ...23 forestbird 2009-8-19 265328 lans0625 2021-8-18 14:20
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