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[求助] linux下怎么卸载已经安装的synopsys软件 cathzhou 2013-6-2 75554 zhangning029 2018-2-7 23:28
[讨论] RTL检查软件 是否都linux 环境 andy2000a 2018-2-2 32797 andy2000a 2018-2-5 11:22
[求助] vcs报错 羽蛇神 2018-1-30 63384 haoyz 2018-2-4 20:17
《雷达原理与系统》课件 attachment  ...2 mashal2009 2009-4-23 184215 Marvin.Liang 2018-2-1 19:40
[求助] 求spi资料 wuyingpan06 2018-1-21 02812 wuyingpan06 2018-1-21 23:29
Acoustic research attachment nickchen 2008-6-21 72355 caltech_usa 2018-1-17 13:17
[求助] confrml14.2没问题,但confrml15.1报下面很类似Non-equivalent xidi 2018-1-9 02656 xidi 2018-1-9 20:11
[求助] 求助:linkcad教程 1039390270 2015-4-3 23525 zxw227ekat 2018-1-8 17:48
[原创] LinkCAD 墨绿 2017-6-15 21990 zxw227ekat 2017-12-30 16:01
共享cadence的IUS License attachment  ...23456..27 handless 2009-11-29 26636427 tezhi 2017-12-30 09:01
悬赏 [求助] 如何用UVM写一个memory的类 - [悬赏 50 信元资产] zhouyang123 2017-12-26 83985 zhouyang123 2017-12-29 16:19
哪位能共享一下《SystemVerilog Assertions应用指南》?  ...2 happyair2008 2008-11-20 1510858 sunnoy666 2017-12-27 20:20
OVM事务级建模方法(TLM) attach_img  ...23456..10 xiaoxiaoyuwts 2009-11-21 9817961 knightliu 2017-12-26 21:11
[资料] 有关SVA的一些资料! attach_img  ...2 ekoyosta 2013-5-24 115851 200728015127036 2017-12-21 09:35
[资料] systemverilog for verification 3rd version attachment  ...23456..7 zzczx 2012-4-13 6915936 cdting 2017-12-21 02:35
[原创] atalanta工具 attachment  ...2 767616852 2014-6-26 155217 Desingman 2017-12-18 20:06
[讨论] UVM的全程是什么 夏雨123 2017-12-15 23343 夏雨123 2017-12-18 08:58
[资料] UVM Standards Should Enable Innovation, Not Strangle It attachment iNostory 2017-12-15 22260 luyuan_0922 2017-12-16 17:42
[讨论] what tools could handle clock domain crossing check/issue xiaoyisimonguo 2017-12-16 03041 xiaoyisimonguo 2017-12-16 07:47
悬赏 [求助] 如何用sv语言中的函数定义一个多域的寄存器。 - [悬赏 50 信元资产] zhouyang123 2017-12-4 12731 zhouyang123 2017-12-11 21:50
Advanced_Formal_Verification_eBook attachment  ...23456..7 bestwonbin 2007-11-20 6813443 bewithu 2017-12-6 23:30
[资料] linkcad: converto from GDS to anf 文件 leichen51 2014-5-29 53184 onlime66 2017-12-6 18:40
[求助] synopsys primetime 安装破解问题,求大神指教 attach_img cyx0610 2015-9-26 33413 辛中臣 2017-12-6 14:04
Device Simulation of ESD Protection Elements attachment  ...23456 zhukh 2008-5-26 5812498 qin217 2017-12-4 16:48
Full-Custom IC Design Concept attachment  ...2 djo6j86j86 2009-11-21 163565 loong8811 2017-11-30 17:12
关于VMM的几篇好文章 attachment digest  ...23456..16 Vibwave 2008-12-6 15624423 1072978274 2017-11-28 21:38
[资料] DRC LVS 的command file 里面的各种语句详细资料 informations 2017-11-27 02745 informations 2017-11-27 13:46
[资料] 【分享】sourceinsight Verilog和TCL插件 attachment  ...23 lygany 2011-5-14 219976 eetopuser 2017-11-27 12:11
[讨论] 验证工具 lenovour 2017-10-29 22619 maxstone 2017-11-25 17:49
[原创] 求大神指导如何装linux软件 edana 2017-11-23 82455 乐在其中296 2017-11-25 10:34
TCL教程 attachment  ...2 giantshen 2007-12-9 185036 wanhi 2017-11-24 15:56
[资料] 贡献些perl 资料 attachment xiaoye45 2010-12-29 32140 wanhi 2017-11-24 15:52
automated chip synthesis user guide attachment stephen-dong 2009-3-6 54835 wanhi 2017-11-24 15:49
SPECMAN Elite Reference(E语言参考手册) attachment  ...23456..9 seanxu2008 2008-10-15 8517708 为什么啊 2017-11-24 15:13
[资料] 【TCL/TK】ActiveTcl编译器共享 attachment  ...23456 decade 2010-1-26 5915728 mgxican 2017-11-24 08:58
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