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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3159|排名: 26 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
MATLAB语言与自动控制系统设计.pdf attachment  ...23456..9 lcl6000 2008-11-15 8013012 sphinz 2014-5-11 17:16
Matlab中,关于频谱比例公平的分配问题 垃圾谁来倒 2014-5-10 01519 垃圾谁来倒 2014-5-10 19:31
《MATLAB宝典》源代码 attachment  ...234 yeya2007 2009-5-5 367153 edison0217 2014-5-9 17:00
MATLAB中文帮助 attachment  ...2 iusee2011 2011-6-3 152902 asdf123427 2014-5-8 17:15
数值分析程序的GUI指导(含M文件和fig文件) attachment  ...2 qhdqzj 2010-5-6 103037 ssatchi 2014-5-4 06:11
奇了,今天这里咋这么香火旺盛呢? mystrip 2013-5-31 23429 ssatchi 2014-5-4 05:04
MATLAB7SIMULINK6建模仿真开发与高级工程应用 attachment  ...2 ctn736 2009-5-9 153344 danny0314a 2014-4-29 21:15
spiht算法的matlab完整原程序 attachment danielatu 2009-5-30 82467 danny0314a 2014-4-29 21:12
求逐步回归遗传算法优化代码 yt882671 2014-4-16 01583 yt882671 2014-4-16 11:01
数字通信原理_基于matlab仿真计算 attachment  ...23456..11 tangerui 2007-3-24 10517211 ssamxd 2014-4-13 09:45
matlab 与 modelsim 联合仿真 attachment  ...23456..14 clwyl 2008-8-1 13119784 lclyt 2014-4-11 11:44
关于matlab升级版本及维护问题 abcmpc 2014-4-7 01900 abcmpc 2014-4-7 13:39
书籍:Matlab语法与绘图 attachment  ...23456 luoyih 2008-2-29 529876 缘木求佛 2014-3-23 19:43
让机器听懂中国话.pdf attachment Anyaina 2008-4-27 72003 缘木求佛 2014-3-20 22:27
基于Simulink的数字滤波器的仿真 attachment  ...23456..18 ijctsily 2007-6-21 17927225 rootxie 2014-3-18 15:50
《MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解 》书本上的仿真 attachment  ...234 jluwg 2008-11-12 376661 天成 2014-3-17 16:50
数值分析的matlab程序(经典程序都有!) attachment  ...23 yisuoyuanyu 2010-12-4 206189 zyj2012 2014-2-18 14:05
《Fortran95 程序设计》,中国电力出版社 attachment chxxtu2009 2012-11-19 42321 mystrip 2014-2-8 12:04
Engineering and Scientific Computations Using MATLAB attachment informationspy 2010-4-19 71847 paul21st 2014-2-3 23:02
matLAB 7.5 attachment 冰凌街 2013-3-20 21484 fanhuanxin 2014-1-28 22:40
高等数学讲义--MATLAB的使用必须的 attachment  ...23 feixuemeng 2011-9-27 205012 aiwa0311 2014-1-22 14:21
C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2011-10-24 124267 shingang2001 2013-12-26 16:28
matlab7.0 从此不再想你 2013-12-19 01396 从此不再想你 2013-12-19 14:06
solving applied mathematical problems with MATLAB attachment eagle217 2013-12-18 11738 hezudao 2013-12-19 03:21
Applied Speech and Audio Processing: With MATLAB Examples 2009 attachment  ...234 yimingxn 2009-8-1 336212 mangotango 2013-12-12 05:03
MATLAB Programming - David Kuncicky attachment pandora 2010-11-19 61888 mangotango 2013-12-12 04:59
matlab,builder问题啊,求教啊 fengxinya 2009-10-26 32145 mangotango 2013-12-12 04:05
Circuit Analysis with MATLAB & Simulink SimPowerSystems attachment  ...2 cyyss 2010-8-21 193394 mangotango 2013-12-12 03:28
matlab GUI资料 attachment qhdqzj 2010-5-22 73330 mangotango 2013-12-12 02:55
急求MATLAB7.1软件 番茄炒鸡蛋 2013-12-3 11418 番茄炒鸡蛋 2013-12-11 17:41
对语音信号分帧,加窗并分析短时能量及过零率的matlab程序 attachment  ...23456..7 weizk1984 2008-8-25 6626457 co_oper 2013-12-10 13:48
一本MATLAB与通信仿真的书籍 attachment  ...23456..29 hzmhhp0421 2008-1-10 28433004 dylanchen4126 2013-11-28 15:50
2007matlab最新书籍Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists第三版 attachment  ...23456..10 hithust 2007-12-7 9115702 jiaxxi 2013-11-22 09:46
没钱怎么赚钱 kxjxxfei 2013-11-21 02052 kxjxxfei 2013-11-21 13:26
A Guide to MATLAB Object-Oriented Programming attachment jswon 2008-3-19 85140 zuoyongbo 2013-11-14 03:50
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