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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3159|排名: 26 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
Rayleigh Fading Simulation (MATLAB) attachment  ...2 champoint 2009-5-17 153293 vdesign 2014-9-18 10:18
Advanced Mathematics and Mechanics Applications Using MATLAB attachment jswon 2008-3-24 82157 green20001 2014-9-17 18:27
Advanced Mathematics And Mechanics Applications Using Matlab 3Ed Chapman 2003 attachment  ...2 lovevicky 2007-4-1 184343 optoelectronic 2014-9-16 21:23
应聘华为各类工程师通信基础题库及答案 attachment  ...2 yyphpu 2009-4-24 133051 gggyin 2014-9-14 14:37
Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications using Matlab attachment  ...23 jswon 2008-3-25 298383 sart 2014-9-8 05:42
matlab遗传算法工具箱及其应用PDF attachment  ...23 13787336409 2009-4-18 265146 gmj888 2014-9-2 22:26
跪求原版教材 sadakofuji 2014-9-2 02004 sadakofuji 2014-9-2 11:56
matlab经典算法的程序 attachment  ...234 talktogod 2007-9-24 336720 61140122 2014-9-1 09:26
上传个经典课程 attachment  ...2 andy101043 2008-2-25 123300 61140122 2014-9-1 09:24
matlab编程风格指南PDF attachment xhmx 2009-9-21 32008 61140122 2014-9-1 09:07
直接序列扩频Matlab程序 attachment  ...2 keiyi 2009-2-10 133248 61140122 2014-9-1 09:07
MATLAB编程风格指南 attachment primejava 2009-10-9 21845 61140122 2014-9-1 09:06
An Introduction to Programming and Numerical Methods in MATLAB attachment  ...23 jswon 2008-5-20 204787 optoelectronic 2014-8-19 22:37
数位信号处理 attachment  ...2 克洛 2008-2-13 104887 jnsxkqz 2014-8-15 06:57
MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解  ...2 skle 2011-1-9 183647 jnsxkqz 2014-8-14 20:28
雷达信号matlab仿真 attachment  ...234 hqsnail 2010-3-17 335687 labviewcell 2014-8-8 13:00
求matlab软件包 ifdream 2013-5-6 52250 林oi 2014-8-1 16:31
电力电子技术与Matlab仿真-高压缩版 attachment  ...23456 A1985 2010-5-24 5710248 jimgreen 2014-7-30 11:54
!!An Introduction to Scientific Computing ——2007 attachment  ...2 wodeccbp 2009-7-9 147748 qqchun 2014-7-29 19:29
MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解 skle 2011-1-9 62716 2012niuren 2014-7-26 09:08
MATLAB外部程序参考手册!绝对好书! attachment  ...234 nakoboy 2010-8-31 336603 2012niuren 2014-7-24 21:51
求助DSPBuilder中遇到的问题!急!!! yyystart 2009-8-11 43504 jnsxkqz 2014-7-19 18:27
一本matlab经典书的电子档 attachment  ...2 lianaishidai 2009-10-12 113245 jnsxkqz 2014-7-19 18:25
ebook:Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB 2000 attachment  ...2 zuesyeh 2010-9-28 107709 jnsxkqz 2014-7-19 18:08
基于matlab的数字图像处理毕业设计论文_补发 attachment king_ming 2013-4-21 32149 jnsxkqz 2014-7-19 17:58
在Matlab中实现FPGA硬件设计 attachment  ...23456..9 bobxx 2009-5-18 8314333 jnsxkqz 2014-7-19 17:43
MAPLE jchdl_ic 2013-1-28 52182 hujiaomianhao 2014-7-19 13:45
The discover of LMS attachment cybjut 2011-11-11 72239 tera 2014-7-18 08:34
mimo-ofdm matlab 仿真 attachment  ...2345 20052141 2009-3-27 497587 ee_designer 2014-7-16 17:32
[John Wiley & Sons] Applied Numerical Methods Using Matlab attachment  ...23 tangerui 2007-1-20 296232 green20001 2014-7-15 20:22
matlab使用的详细手册 attachment zuoyh09 2014-6-23 42125 chenxz_123456 2014-7-11 16:33
谁能提供target support package的离线版本啊? jlqsczw_2007 2014-5-12 34180 jlqsczw_2007 2014-7-3 22:08
jake信道模型matlab仿真 附件 attachment  ...2 lxqian 2009-5-31 177800 priest 2014-7-1 10:51
matlab2009 attachment  ...2 bigcathua 2010-10-31 143493 novatmay 2014-7-1 10:07
Spectral Methods in MATLAB - Lloyd N. Trefethen attachment  ...2 beyondthewater 2009-9-11 113882 green20001 2014-6-28 20:21
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