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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3155|排名: 46 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
北航夏宇闻verilog讲稿ppt attachment rdp123 2007-5-26 42640 shisq123 2021-3-6 21:44
Inverse Problems in Electric Circuits and Electromagnetics attachment  ...2 fjlihh 2008-4-25 143655 soldierwuhan 2021-3-5 14:32
Graph Theory, Combinatorics and Algorithms: Interdisciplinary Applications attachment fjlihh 2008-4-25 95915 AlexKe 2021-3-4 21:14
audio经典——headphone attachment  ...2345 llgvictor 2009-7-8 4111573 moonpluto 2021-3-4 21:07
好书共分析 attachment  ...2 xps 2007-9-6 125568 ZHOUTOP 2021-3-4 15:16
Wiley.Interscience.Applied.Numerical.Methods.Using.MATLAB.Apr.2005 attachment  ...23 danielshou 2008-11-22 205038 sydy110 2021-2-25 12:58
先进PID控制MATLAB仿真 (第二版) attachment  ...23 SUSTGWZ 2010-5-14 206776 hnwulei 2021-2-24 17:44
电磁场数值计算法与MATLAB实现 attachment  ...23456..8 月下枯竹 2014-10-7 7617044 八云 2021-2-23 21:49
开关电源设计(第二版) attachment huadog 2010-11-27 72489 flyablestone 2021-2-21 23:52
[E-book share] Numerical Analysis Using Matlab And Spreadsheets - 2Ed attachment  ...2 stanlleychen 2014-3-11 143654 digicomm 2021-2-12 18:30
文字版 Numerical Analysis by Richard Burden 8ed 2004 attach_img hi_china59 2012-11-29 52130 sydy110 2021-2-11 12:24
Simulink 仿真基础与仿真实例——经典 attachment  ...23456..27 kinglin 2008-11-19 26656957 小晓有瞌睡 2021-2-2 17:33
Engineering.Mathematics attachment  ...23 sgsun 2008-7-13 256651 sydy110 2021-1-17 20:10
神经网络教程 attachment  ...2 hello110300509 2009-5-25 136942 Electri-Atom 2021-1-15 16:45
一本学习MATLAB的好书  ...2 ssdd_yy 2008-3-2 124816 Electri-Atom 2021-1-15 16:44
Numerical.Methods.Using.MATLAB silence22 2008-8-29 32104 auch0311 2021-1-14 19:18
Matlab - Optimisation Toolbox - User's Guide attachment tangerui 2007-1-20 67074 auch0311 2021-1-14 11:48
MATLAB锁相环 木槿嘚嘚 2018-3-24 32362 auch0311 2021-1-13 16:37
matlab仿真 新人帖 attachment zhoushao 2021-1-3 41368 icroad 2021-1-9 16:09
恒润科技的滤波器设计ppt attachment  ...2345 cookey 2009-1-6 4911082 ycheng23 2020-12-21 16:33
用Maple和MATLAB解决科学计算问题(第三版) attachment  ...2 semiconcn 2009-5-19 164752 soldierwuhan 2020-12-13 12:24
WCDMA FDD Simulink Models attachment  ...2 cnren 2008-9-19 124371 huatiantian 2020-12-10 22:55
QPSKmodulation attachment rainbow693 2009-12-9 22643 huatiantian 2020-12-10 22:54
无线信道衰落仿真 attachment  ...234 likuopili 2008-12-26 349676 huatiantian 2020-12-10 22:52
OFDM信道估计源代码 attachment  ...23456..8 xuetianzuimei 2008-12-6 7418643 huatiantian 2020-12-10 22:50
通信原理8dpsk调制及其误码率曲线 attachment liuxian 2010-8-7 64023 huatiantian 2020-12-10 22:34
非常好的OFDM仿真程序,从生成的9个图中可以对OFDM详细了解 attachment  ...23456..14 champoint 2009-5-17 13426031 zlhrsy 2020-12-9 14:34
simulink 入门视频教程 attachment  ...2345 shuimu888 2013-9-30 4812225 QQben 2020-12-9 13:58
卡尔曼滤波的资料  ...2 lhj200304 2009-3-11 103983 btu 2020-12-7 22:52
candence学习 attachment  ...234 800129 2007-4-5 339796 ltf02 2020-12-3 13:19
ppt讲义 小波分析的基本理论 attachment  ...23 桦香 2009-12-9 2014150 ycheng23 2020-12-2 14:29
Simulink Modeling Tutorial attachment  ...23456..8 normalboy 2007-9-22 7419236 suewe 2020-11-30 16:29
异步电机直接转矩控制的simulink仿真 attachment  ...2 IC1234 2016-11-4 104193 AlexKe 2020-11-16 17:24
一个经典的SPI教程及自己写的SPI代码 attachment  ...23456..9 0312009409 2010-9-10 8323876 my_lcs 2020-10-29 11:07
急~跪求高手~LMS自适应均衡器Simulink仿真  ...23456..7 sniper0918 2009-6-2 6814451 wzheng 2020-10-28 19:31
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