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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3159|排名: 19 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
DC-DC Convertor MATLAB 模型 attachment  ...23456..12 taoly_ic 2008-9-29 11122883 wrss20080407 2021-8-11 13:42
Matlab微分方程的解法 attachment jozhizhou 2021-8-4 21688 lans0625 2021-8-10 09:53
非线性最小二乘法、Levenberg-Marquardt 算法曲线拟合等原理 attachment  ...234 cxg05116 2010-4-7 3915932 AlexKe 2021-8-9 15:43
Discrete Systems and Digital Signal Processing with MATLAB attachment  ...23 lyly 2009-6-30 266418 qccqcc 2021-8-7 06:12
matlab北航 attachment guiji101 2009-1-15 32315 hydroa 2021-8-6 06:28
matlab系统仿真 勾燕洁 attachment  ...2 沙漠之狐D 2016-7-30 104687 amigo.change 2021-7-31 18:35
Simulink动态系统建模与仿真基础教程 attachment  ...2345 zweishi 2009-2-1 4313667 cc拜拜 2021-7-30 15:09
xilinx内部培训资料 attachment  ...23 ycheng23 2016-11-29 246938 amigo.change 2021-7-25 20:42
Programming Matlab and C++ attachment  ...23 oaktwig 2007-7-13 267584 amigo.change 2021-7-25 18:52
Matlab电子电路分析(全三卷).pdf attachment  ...23456..28 lcl6000 2008-11-15 27949339 amigo.change 2021-7-25 18:47
MATLab 完整教程 - 中文版 attachment  ...23456..16 铁金 2007-5-16 15839310 小飞侠6 2021-7-22 15:55
[ebook]Digital Signal Processing: An Introduction with MATLAB and Applications attachment  ...23456 pipiw 2011-2-22 5216746 qwqwasas1234 2021-7-18 18:28
数字通信原理(基于matlab) attachment  ...234 501228 2009-1-5 347296 myl 2021-7-17 11:22
ELECTRONICS and CIRCUIT ANALYSIS using MATLAB (by JOHN O. ATTIA attachment  ...2345 tedwu0508 2017-1-26 4111444 soldierwuhan 2021-7-11 20:00
Transforms and Applications Primer for Engineers with Examples and MATLAB attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2013-6-12 174677 soldierwuhan 2021-7-1 12:57
Programming Matlab and C++ attachment oaktwig 2007-7-13 32475 kellysht 2021-6-30 15:11
MATLAB通信仿真及应用实例详解 attachment  ...23456..12 tingerfei 2009-2-6 11217458 hello_kitty234 2021-6-24 20:19
数字图像处理(Matlab版)【冈萨雷斯】-中文版 attachment  ...2345 kevinkingjws 2012-3-28 4512566 甲壳虫 2021-6-21 13:21
现代图像处理技术及Matlab实现(张兆礼) attachment  ...23 staroad2013 2013-8-2 227363 甲壳虫 2021-6-21 11:25
《Matlab信号处理详解》 9.73M attachment  ...23456..34 zhangyu760 2007-11-14 33851334 jack_20150410 2021-6-16 10:11
candence仿真步骤 attachment  ...23456 800129 2007-4-5 5253563 文字写在脸上 2021-6-15 17:23
遗传算法 matlab attachment iloveyou1706 2013-11-21 82702 半清醒~ 2021-6-15 13:45
薛定宇《高等应用数学问题的MATLAB求解》 attachment lzh4774 2010-5-17 52721 fgh110 2021-6-13 16:53
【ebook】《基于MATLAB Simulink的系统仿真技术与应用》 attachment  ...23456..12 genghis 2009-11-7 11325669 fgh110 2021-6-13 16:47
matlab R2012b 可用下载地址 attachment  ...23456..7 luxiao6802 2012-10-28 6421497 txmuvf 2021-6-7 16:36
Wiley - Kalman Filtering - Theory and Practice Using MATLAB, 2Ed.pdf attachment  ...23456..8 fengasic 2008-11-20 7919555 soldierwuhan 2021-6-4 11:06
Digital Communication Systems using MATLAB and Simulink  ...23456..7 yuelengyueming 2010-4-15 6221318 wallace60 2021-5-28 09:38
Applied Maple for Engineers and Scientists-ebook attachment  ...2 A1985 2010-6-3 153940 soldierwuhan 2021-5-21 00:11
Dynamic System Simulation for MATLAB attachment  ...23 cyyss 2008-2-26 276452 soldierwuhan 2021-5-21 00:10
MATLAB Control Systems Engineering 2014 attachment  ...23 hi_china59 2017-4-6 266280 wall2017 2021-5-3 15:14
图书--《数字信号处理及MATLAB实现》 新人帖 attachment  ...23 xxq0339 2019-8-1 285453 terrylit 2021-4-25 15:24
simulink教程 attachment  ...23 yuhun 2009-2-1 245522 QQben 2021-4-23 17:31
自学Matlab必备的_60_个小程序代码 attachment  ...23456..11 huzhoy 2008-8-31 10721408 yaoqing88 2021-4-20 05:51
请教大牛,matlab里如何求两条曲线的交点? lxqian 2009-5-31 418639 hehuachangkai 2021-4-16 10:22
Digital Signal and Image Processing Using MATLAB attachment  ...234 beats 2009-6-12 398446 hchen0730 2021-4-9 14:27
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