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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3159|排名: 19 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
DWA simulink 仿真, 附上paper以及相關simulink檔案,可以學習!! attachment  ...23 jswon 2011-5-15 288613 smooth_nic 2018-12-28 14:09
how to use matlab and cadence together attachment  ...23456 simulia 2009-1-30 5712772 macro_man 2018-12-27 15:35
Matlab: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving, 3 rd attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2013-11-1 164728 louiszhu 2018-12-25 10:02
[EBOOK]Adaptive Filtering Primer with Matlab  ...23 cfriend 2007-12-3 2910073 edwardk 2018-12-20 18:20
MATLAB 宝典(第4版) attach_img  ...23456..8 zhucuiyuan1990 2015-2-25 7116376 pwr_lk 2018-12-19 14:56
MATLAB 6 数学手册 中文版 attachment  ...23456..8 like027 2007-1-21 7420034 Ralphjh 2018-12-18 16:14
Matlab 2015b 64bit 无和谐 啦啦 attachment  ...2345 woai2020 2015-9-23 4510524 bao2xu 2018-12-18 09:04
Matlab电子书籍 attachment  ...234 lycchang 2008-4-26 308355 Andy126 2018-12-10 18:37
与Matlab simulink与控制系统仿真(免费 控制专业) attachment  ...23 fangguochen 2009-4-5 215072 希望可以骄傲 2018-12-10 15:07
分享收集的几个matlab 遗传算法经典例子 attachment  ...23 chenzhaolin 2011-1-18 216689 gps66 2018-12-3 13:00
多维RLS的MATLAB实现 attachment  ...2 xuzhepan 2009-6-11 154706 edwardk 2018-11-30 14:10
MATLAB 基础视频教程-精品!! attachment  ...234 小哥1900 2009-5-6 306823 ycwwzz 2018-11-25 16:01
高等应用数学问题的MATLAB求解.pdf attachment  ...2345 mediative 2008-9-20 4513349 QQben 2018-11-20 10:42
8051单片机教程 attachment huadog 2010-11-27 92929 jeffej 2018-11-19 21:20
指纹 attachment tommytom 2014-9-23 31890 frank_t_w 2018-11-17 11:42
Circuit Systems with MATLAB and PSpice hypear 2016-9-23 52234 dldlxkq 2018-11-16 22:45
ebook: Classical Feedback Control: With MATLAB attachment  ...2 zweishi 2009-2-1 153369 hi_china59 2018-11-8 11:21
Simulink电子通信仿真与应用 attach_img  ...2 shuimu888 2013-9-30 164618 dfjh1234 2018-11-3 22:52
基于matlab信号处理工具箱的数字滤波器设计与仿真 attachment  ...2345 flyingpipi 2008-6-18 4610877 Minibaby 2018-10-18 18:49
求救:用MATLAB仿真OFDM系统抽样时钟的同步 hugo 2008-5-9 22382 jesien 2018-10-9 14:11
matlab 2007b 免费下载地址(附带注册号) attachment  ...23456..18 lingjun_315 2008-5-14 17365456 suhugobai 2018-10-6 21:58
求助matlab关于数字滤波器 attach_img Tony_yy 2018-10-3 01825 Tony_yy 2018-10-3 10:00
[E-book share] Algorithm.for.Digital.Signal.Processing.Applications.Using.Matlab attachment  ...2 stanlleychen 2014-3-11 114515 liujx_uestc 2018-10-2 22:20
在MATLAB中使用loadsig函数出现问题,求助 shxuwang 2012-5-18 97719 yudawang 2018-9-23 01:02
【资料】《现代通信系统(Matlab)版》书中例子的程序下载! attachment  ...234 iaman 2008-5-26 368199 xuanyuanxlj 2018-9-19 17:58
audio 音频 loudspeaker扬声器 thiele paper3 attachment  ...2 llgvictor 2009-7-12 175054 Jsanchez12345 2018-9-9 19:02
上传一个matlab详细手册 适合初学者 attachment  ...234 wyqstrive 2008-3-10 386791 QQben 2018-9-7 20:56
Matlab GUI视频教学--极品!!申精!!! attachment  ...23456..7 小哥1900 2009-5-5 6414792 hanxiong99 2018-9-7 10:45
新书推荐;MATLAB中的图像,图形和图形对象 attach_img  ...2 wjfwtt 2017-3-25 113463 yym1234567 2018-9-5 09:02
麻省理工Matlab教材 attachment nan123chang 2008-5-18 63178 analysisisis 2018-9-2 10:14
数字图像处理-复旦大学讲义 attachment  ...23456..7 fingjjjjjj 2009-9-26 6415146 analysisisis 2018-9-2 10:02
Matlab图形图像处理函数详细列表 attachment  ...23 stamzhang 2008-10-27 286135 analysisisis 2018-9-1 21:42
Matlab编写的无迹卡尔曼滤波器程序 attachment  ...2 flyjeff 2009-3-16 104005 QQben 2018-8-31 16:58
MATLAB, simulink 频率响应 attachment  ...2345 冬天的瓜 2010-6-17 4713446 trash_net 2018-8-26 22:06
MIT matlab麻省理工學院MATLAB使用指南 attachment  ...2 hqsnail 2010-3-17 143552 trash_net 2018-8-25 22:20
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