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MATLAB 资料 今日: 1 |主题: 3153|排名: 34 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
matlab语法与绘图 attachment  ...23 msx111 2009-6-5 214292 amy999 2017-5-5 14:51
matlab宝典100例 attachment  ...23456..12 ydz 2007-9-9 11919188 amy999 2017-5-5 14:47
数字信号处理matlab函数使用详细 attachment  ...23 topkingstar 2013-9-27 227265 LegendNing 2017-4-27 13:29
MATLAB 论坛 » MATLAB 资料 » 发新话题 llw1985 2017-4-17 01573 llw1985 2017-4-17 09:38
维特比译码算法的Matlab程序 attachment  ...23456..14 zhier81 2008-1-12 13434396 uumom 2017-4-13 00:12
关于内插,抽取,先内插后抽取的几个小程序,加理论分析 attachment  ...23 ADS1 2010-3-13 2412782 沈宇 2017-4-11 21:20
Matlab LINUX attachment  ...23 sam300 2012-6-7 206159 tonysu.usa 2017-4-6 13:36
Simulink简明教程 attachment  ...23 oneline 2009-1-9 265305 amy999 2017-4-5 14:35
给新手提供一份Matlab 2011a 安装教程 如要和modelsim连接 , 请继续关注 zzxi0103 2014-10-13 12304 Mrxinxin 2017-3-30 12:14
Vector MathVector Math for 3D Computer Graphics attachment  ...23 panys 2008-12-2 276001 xlteam2 2017-3-25 10:42
清晰版的【数字信号处理及其MATLAB实现】 attachment  ...23456..11 aaronliu 2008-6-5 10317071 sflxq 2017-3-20 21:44
matlab中能否实现全变量即不含数字的矩阵运算?? attach_img Luck1 2017-3-20 11766 Luck1 2017-3-20 21:35
芯片Layout资料,值得参考 attachment  ...2345 Apuesto 2010-1-22 408584 gengbao 2017-3-17 09:55
根升余弦滤波器的MATLAB仿真实现,求救!(附件免费的) attachment  ...23456 hangaofei726 2008-4-11 5220324 kimi_xiaoben 2017-3-16 14:33
matlab命令大全  ...2 huyue466 2009-6-4 155581 kimi_xiaoben 2017-3-16 14:24
Simulations for OFDM Systems Design完整系统仿真经调试可运行 attachment  ...23456..14 ardenmann20 2008-1-8 13225953 kimi_xiaoben 2017-3-13 14:50
资料推荐:Scientific Computing with MATLAB, Second Edition attach_img wjfwtt 2017-3-10 01752 wjfwtt 2017-3-10 08:17
PCM调制的matlab程序 attachment  ...23456..7 zhier81 2008-1-12 6717815 edward2013 2017-3-9 10:11
电力系统的MATLAB-SIMULINK仿真与应用 attachment  ...23 A1985 2010-5-24 276377 p20578 2017-2-28 16:12
数学工具(MathTools)FAQ attachment lijiezyr 2007-4-4 32551 comines 2017-2-28 09:44
matlab simulation for radar systems design attachment  ...23 somelee 2009-6-11 204552 majianzzu 2017-2-22 17:53
ledit 13 破解版 软件为什么你要拆成49个文件 348847119 2017-2-20 03130 348847119 2017-2-20 17:25
MATLAB算法大全 attachment  ...2 zhangchengqiang 2016-9-11 103153 QQben 2017-2-15 09:15
图像配准技术及其MATLAB编程实现 attachment wei25dong 2016-3-21 32619 caltech_usa 2017-2-11 16:33
Parallel Computing Toolbox User's Guide for Matlab R2015a attach_img  ...2 post 2015-5-22 124584 caltech_usa 2017-2-11 13:11
Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MatLab attachment  ...23 arle 2011-2-23 225577 dspasm 2017-2-3 17:07
matlab精通GUI(PDF书) attachment  ...23456..26 qrh 2007-11-14 25233933 dan2 2017-2-3 03:45
[E-book share] spectral analysis MATLAB for adaptive filtering & prediction attachment  ...2 stanlleychen 2014-3-12 144420 acela 2017-2-2 20:48
Circuit Analysis II with matlab applications attachment  ...234 suiwinder 2008-2-22 346587 amirjon 2017-1-28 22:38
采用matlab对boost系统建模 attachment  ...2 yyystart 2010-9-19 185055 comines 2017-1-24 09:52
TURBO 作为信道编码方式的OFDM传输系统(MATLAB) attachment  ...23 champoint 2009-5-17 224527 xphoenix 2017-1-23 01:45
《电磁场数值计算法与MATLAB实现》好书下载 attachment  ...23456..9 yuhaijiao 2009-4-21 8114061 zlutian 2017-1-22 00:08
三角函数公式 attachment  ...2 mousecai 2008-10-30 113658 assurance 2017-1-15 20:54
C语言实现的光栅衍射光强模拟 attachment hjh1114 2017-1-15 01908 hjh1114 2017-1-15 14:17
code of digital communication systems using matlab & simulink attachment  ...23 doedr 2011-8-25 217766 auspiciouschen 2017-1-14 12:47
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