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MATLAB 资料 今日: 0|主题: 3159|排名: 26 

版主: jswon, eecsseudl
matlab有限元分析与应用 attachment  ...2 lwdboy 2009-2-28 112682 baiheguogao 2016-7-27 17:55
Matlab软件在电机电磁场有限元分析中的应用 attachment  ...2 sannyyan01 2014-2-21 154089 caltech_usa 2016-7-26 16:20
Matlab as a Development Environment for FPGA Design attachment  ...23 卧虎藏龙 2008-3-24 214820 沸腾的雪 2016-7-25 19:30
MATLAB应用技术:在电气工程与自动化专业中的应用 attachment wei25dong 2016-3-12 42493 muxl 2016-7-24 13:40
论文:1D-FDTD using MATLAB attachment  ...2 willaa 2010-7-28 176753 gmj888 2016-7-22 00:20
matlab code for image processing attachment  ...2 sunsir1129 2008-1-9 113537 999 2016-7-18 21:53
Matlab揭秘 (国外经典) attachment  ...234 yjgogo1 2009-1-16 357040 jimcmwang 2016-7-18 07:01
一本适合入门的matlab的书 对基本应用讲的比较具体 attachment  ...234 zhangweiyun 2011-4-26 337529 jimcmwang 2016-7-18 06:55
经典的Software Receiver Design书籍。 - [阅读权限 30]attachment murongyu 2016-3-4 585 jimcmwang 2016-7-17 22:59
C: How to Program (6th Edition) by Deitel 2009 attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2012-4-1 174060 jimcmwang 2016-7-17 22:40
现代通信系统使用MATLAB全+全部程序 attachment  ...23456..10 weiyang_zhu 2008-11-5 9713940 hidy1978 2016-7-13 20:37
MATLAB的S-Function编写指导 attachment  ...2345 lihualiang 2009-7-3 417631 380850706 2016-7-7 22:08
最优化理论与方法 attachment  ...23 fjlihh 2008-5-8 285732 caoshida1210 2016-7-7 01:46
Design Two-Dimensional IIR Filters attachment zuesyeh 2010-9-28 72216 efong 2016-7-1 17:29
实用最优化方法 attachment  ...23 fjlihh 2008-5-8 225547 tjtongtong 2016-6-30 21:29
Stable IIR Notch Filter Design with Optimal Pole Placement attachment  ...2 zuesyeh 2010-9-28 164367 efong 2016-6-30 19:11
IIR Filter Design attachment zuesyeh 2010-9-28 81927 efong 2016-6-30 17:33
FILTER DESIGN FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING USING MATLAB AND MATHEMATICAL attachment  ...2 zuesyeh 2010-9-28 136792 efong 2016-6-29 19:17
Filter Implementations on the TMS320 DSP’s attachment zuesyeh 2010-9-28 61764 efong 2016-6-29 17:32
OFDM基本原理仿真 attachment  ...234 mark121 2008-5-31 367419 asdalaah 2016-6-27 05:13
OFDM的仿真程序 attachment  ...2 cuiyaping321 2009-6-13 173536 asdalaah 2016-6-27 04:51
浙江大学赵荣祥授课课件 attachment lifengcai 2014-3-7 52629 testtry 2016-6-26 08:02
VC6_0与MATLAB7_x混合编程方法 attachment hua_wind 2016-6-17 11861 testtry 2016-6-26 07:55
江腾科技433M无线模块 jiangteng2 2016-6-16 12018 陈汤2nd 2016-6-24 18:45
OpenCV实例.rar attachment  ...2 fingjjjjjj 2009-11-25 123444 skkang77777 2016-6-24 08:52
推荐一个学习通信仿真的好地方  ...2 fgdfgfg 2009-7-18 112990 123JUN123 2016-6-21 22:34
小波变换的matlab代码,包括EZW,Imfus,modify-shift和shift attachment  ...23 onlyonedale 2009-8-14 236312 kirchies 2016-6-20 22:11
基于Simulink的视频与图像处理算法的快速实现 attachment  ...2345 luoyih 2008-2-29 459832 xiaomi132146231 2016-6-20 15:41
推荐无线方面的书目 mywolf 2009-8-29 73933 wuyanbei24 2016-6-19 21:27
ppt讲义 小波分析的应用技术 attachment  ...2 桦香 2009-12-9 154967 hua_wind 2016-6-16 15:20
zhuangjinfen gaolou1991 2016-5-30 11897 xukawendi 2016-6-13 11:31
很好的matlab信号处理书籍Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB jnliuzhg 2013-7-1 33191 efong 2016-6-10 14:44
感谢伟大的EETOP cctabps 2016-4-26 12040 jjww110 2016-6-5 07:34
class-d的matlab建模 麦茬 2016-6-1 22046 麦茬 2016-6-2 18:43
ebook: Classical Feedback Control: With MATLAB attachment  ...23456..8 xyz10 2008-2-26 7613213 hidy1978 2016-5-30 17:22
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