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Cadence IC最近两个Hotfix中新增加的用户使用条款!!!必须提请关注!!!

发表于 2015-4-6 22:02:50 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 min4max 于 2015-4-7 11:28 编辑

# Terms and Conditions of Use

Please read these Terms carefully prior to downloading or using the products. You must protect
the product(s) from unauthorized reproduction, publication, use or distribution. If any product
or portion thereof is copied to or used on a computer connected to a network, you must ensure
that the product may not be used or copied by unlicensed persons.

To help ensure that only authorized copies of Cadence software are being used, Cadence is implementing
monitoring technologies that will obtain and transmit to Cadence non-proprietary data in the event
a Cadence software product is tampered with.
No data will be collected or transmitted unless unauthorized
modifications to Cadence software product(s) are made or an unauthorized hosting of the Cadence license
server or software is detected.

By downloading the product(s), you confirm that you have the authority to act on behalf of your employer.  
By downloading or using the product(s) you hereby agree to the use of such technology and transmission
of such non-proprietary data by Cadence.
我已经将其中的重点加粗。这个新增用户使用条款就是告知用户,Cadence现在正在Cadence软件中实施监控技术,可以用来检测一旦软件被patch篡改即可获取相关非法篡改过的数据并将其传输回Cadence。所以各位今后若用patch对Cadence软件进行破解,需要割断网络链接,破解后的软件在使用时也需要在断网条件下进行!You have been warned!

现在大体上可以推测Cadence已经对IC616新发布的Hotfix做了更改使得我们目前使用的patch不再发挥功用。经过patch可以用的上一个最近的Hotfix版本是ISR9(即Hotfix_IC06.16.090),之后发布的ISR10与ISR11都不再能够使用了。估计今后所有发布的新版IC Hotfix和Base版都如此。看来还是需要从Flexlm SDK入手开发出完美的lmcrypt来制作与Cadence官方发布的license.dat一致的license.dat,这样就不必再经过patch修改软件。所以召唤软件破解高手来制作这个lmcrypt!Cadence现在已经将部分工具的Flexlm升级到FlexNet 11.11,不过我以前在此上传的那个Flexlm SDK 11.9开发出来的lmcrypt应该还能够与之兼容。
发表于 2015-4-7 09:21:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-4-7 09:37:44 | 显示全部楼层
Craches occur even the progs. have not been patched.
Try and see..
Don't patch and try to start-up Cadence IC 06.16.100 or 110..
It won't work and will crash at start-up without any license erros appear..
 楼主| 发表于 2015-4-7 11:12:00 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 min4max 于 2015-4-7 11:13 编辑

    Not my case. I  can start IC616 normally without crashes once these Hotfix (ISR10 & ISR11) installed. However due to our imperfect license creating program lmcrypt, the virtuoso can't check out license 111 to get started further and thus terminated.  That's why we have to apply our patch to the IC616, but the patch doesn't work anymore this time for any new hotfix after hotfix ISR9, and this patch causes crashes.
发表于 2015-4-7 11:43:18 | 显示全部楼层
The patch does nothing but cleans the ECC check routine so it doesn't touch the main functionality of the program.The crypter is essentially creating a "fake" license ( but consistent  regarding to flexlm hostid) and since the ECC check is bypassed in the program, it runs.
What type of patcher you use ?? I use for ALL pubkey_verify ( latest one ) and I have never seen any problem on the Cadence tools including latest MMSIM, Assura, EXT, etc.All works smoothly..
But the main problem is coming from compatibility of IC 06.16.100 (110) with CentOS.I tried to start-up virtuoso without patching ( original one) it crashed.So there isn't any relationship between patched one or not.They cannot change the license mechanism say one two three..
There are thousands of installation and millions of seats.
I have seen a crash report in Cadence forum... One more guy was saying virtuoso is crashed on CentOS, so it is a compatiblity problem.Anyway..
I use 6.15 and it's much more stable...
发表于 2015-4-7 11:54:57 | 显示全部楼层
The patcher cleans-up the ECC check routine in the progam, that's it.It does not touch the functionality of the program.I tried IC 06.16.100 without patching, it crashed.So, the problem is not patching, the problem is the compatiblity with CentOS.
One more guy was talking about this problem in Cadence community forum, so the trouble is common..
I use pubkey_verify for ALL Cadence related tools including MMSIM, EXT, Assura etc and all works smoothly but IC06.16.100 not..

I think you see "111" seems to be checked-out but around there something happens and it's not license related, it's compatiblity related.Because the program continues to load some other modules while it's checking-out the license so it's not very easy to define the problem where it's coming from.
But I'm sure it's not a license problem.Don't take the Cadence policy seriously into account because there are thousnads of custormer, millions of seats.They cannot check installations one by one..
This is bullshit..
发表于 2015-4-7 12:29:12 | 显示全部楼层
It isn't license related, it's CentOS compatiblity related.
发表于 2015-4-7 12:32:37 | 显示全部楼层
You see that "111" license feature seems to be checking-out but crashing occurs at different level.
I use pubkey-verify for Linux for all Cadence tools, all works smoothly but IC06.16.100 not..
The patcher cleans-up just ECC check routine but it doesn't touch the main functionality.
发表于 2015-4-7 12:35:01 | 显示全部楼层
The crypter essentially creates a fake but consistently correct regarding to flexlm hostid license file and since the ECC check is bypassed the program doesn't see this fake.That's it..
Even you don't patch the IC tool, since you use CentOS it will crash.
发表于 2015-4-7 12:37:06 | 显示全部楼层
The policy which you have read is a general manner warning, don't worry about that.They cannot check  thousands os seat one by one...
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