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| Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems
SOPC Edition
Hamblen, James O., Hall, Tyson S., Furman, Michael D.
2008, XVII, 412 p., Softcover
ISBN: 978-0-387-72670-0
This item usually ships in 2-3 business days
| $64.95
| About this textbook
Table of contents
Sample pages
About this textbook
- Includes Student Laboratory Tutorials and Projects using the latest CAD tools and newest FPGA boards from Altera
- Integrates interesting student projects into the textbook and software
- Covers SoPC design using processor cores and C application programs
- Provides information on porting RTOS to an FPGA processor core
- Contains source files and additional example files on the enclosed CD-ROM for all designs presented in the book
RAPID PROTOTYPING OF DIGITAL SYSTEMS provides an exciting and challenging environment for rapidly adapting System-on-a-Programmable Chip (SOPC) technology to existing designs or integrating the new design methods into a laboratory component for digital logic, computer and embedded-design curriculums.
New to this edition is an introduction to embedded operating systems for SOPC designs. The µClinux OS is configured for Altera's DE1 and DE2 boards and is provided on the DVD along with several application programs.
Featuring four accelerated tutorials on the Quartus II and Nios II design environments, this edition progresses from introductory programmable logic to full-scale SOPC design seamlessly integrating hardware implementation, software development, operating system support, state-of-the-art I/O, and IP cores.
This edition features Altera's new 7.1 Quartus II CAD and Nios II SOPC tools and includes projects for Altera's DE1, DE2, UP3, UP2, and UP1 FPGA development boards.
Laboratory projects provided on the book's DVD include complete projects for video graphics and text, mouse and keyboard input, and three separate computer examples including a Nios II "reference" design for the DE2, DE1, and UP3 FPGA boards.
Written for:
Undergraduates and first year graduates in EE, CmpE and CS Systems areas
- Alterra boards
- DE1 and DE2 boards
- Digital Systems
- FPGA technology and SOPC design
- FPGA-based hardware design
- Furman
- Hall
- Hamblen
- Logic synthesis
- Rapid Prototyping
- digital logic laboratory
- field programmable gate array
- logic simulation
[ 本帖最后由 benemale 于 2008-3-9 23:17 编辑 ] |
Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems.part1.rar
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Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems.part2.rar
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Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems.part3.rar
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Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems.part4.rar
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