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Subject Categories: Communication, Networking & Broadcasting ; Components, Circuits, Devices & Systems ; Computing & Processing (Hardware/Software) ; Signal Processing & Analysis
Copyright Year: 2010
ISBN : 9780470651414 Abstract
A much-needed primer on all aspects of transmission lines for electric and computer engineering graduatesMost of today’s electrical engineering and computer engineering graduates lack a critically important skill: the analysis of transmission lines. They need this basic knowledge in order to be able to design high-speed digital and high-frequency analog systems—and this problem will only get worse as the speeds and frequencies of these systems continue to increase. This important text is the remedy. It prepares readers for increasingly difficult design problems in today’s ever-changing high-speed digital world, focusing on signal integrity and crosstalk.Class-tested under the author’s expert guidance at Mercer University, the book starts by reviewing the fundamental concepts of waves, wavelength, time delay, and electrical dimensions, as well as the bandwidth of digital signals and its relation to the pulse rise/fall times. It then explains two-conductor transmission lines and designing for signal integrity, addressing the time-domain analysis of those transmission lines and the corresponding analysis in the frequency domain. The terminal voltages and currents of lines with various source waveforms and resistive terminations are computed by hand via wave tracing. This gives considerable insight into the general behavior of transmission lines in terms of forward- and backward-traveling waves and their reflections. The effect of line losses including skin effect in the line conductors and dielectric losses in the surrounding dielectric are increasingly becoming critical, and their detrimental effects are discussed.Next, the book repeats these topics for three-conductor lines in terms of the important detrimental effects of crosstalk between transmi ssion lines, explaining the transmission-line equations for lossless lines, the important per-unit-length matrices of the inductance and capacitance of the lines, and the solution of three-conductor, lossless lines via mode decoupling. The final chapter concludes by investigating the effects of the line losses on the crosstalk of these three-conductor lines.Each chapter concludes with numerous problems for the reader to practice his/her understanding of the material. An Appendix contains a brief tutorial on SPICE (PSPICE), an important computational tool that is used extensively throughout the book. The included CD features several computer programs used and described in this book for computing the per-unit-length parameter matrices and a subcircuit model for three-conductor lines, as well as two MATLAB programs for computing the Fourier components of a digital waveform and two versions of PSPICE.This book is intended as a textbook for a senior/first-year graduate-level course in transmission lines in electrical engineering and computer engineering curricula. It is also essential for industry professionals as a compact review of transmission line fundamentals. Frontmatter
The prelims comprise:
Half Title
Basic Skills and Concepts Having Application to Transmission Lines
This chapter contains sections titled:
Units and Unit Conversion
Waves, Time Delay, Phase Shift, Wavelength, and Electrical Dimensions
The Time Domain vs. the Frequency Domain
The Basic Transmission-Line Problem
TimeDomain Analysis of TwoConductor Lines
This chapter contains sections titled:
The Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) Mode of Propagation and the Transmission-Line Equations
The Per-Unit-Length Parameters
The General Solutions for the Line Voltage and Current
Wave Tracing and Reflection Coefficients
The SPICE (PSPICE) Exact Transmission-Line Model
Lumped-Circuit Approximate Models of the Line
Effects of Reactive Terminations on Terminal Waveforms
Matching Schemes for Signal Integrity
Bandwidth and Signal Integrity: When Does the Line Not Matter?
Effect of Line Discontinuities
Driving Multiple Lines
FrequencyDomain Analysis of TwoConductor Lines
This chapter contains sections titled:
The Transmission-Line Equations for Sinusoidal Steady-State Excitation of the Line
The General Solution for the Terminal Voltages and Currents
The Voltage Reflection Coefficient and Input Impedance to the Line
The Solution for the Terminal Voltages and Currents
The SPICE Solution
Voltage and Current as a Function of Position on the Line
Matching and VSWR
Power Flow on the Line
Alternative Forms of the Results
The Smith Chart
Effects of Line Losses
Lumped-Circuit Approximations for Electrically Short Lines
Construction of Microwave Circuit Components Using Transmission Lines
The TransmissionLine Equations for ThreeConductor Lines
This chapter contains sections titled:
The Transmission-Line Equations for Three-Conductor Lines
The Per-Unit-Length Parameters
Solution of the TransmissionLine Equations for ThreeConductor Lossless Lines
This chapter contains sections titled:
Decoupling the Transmission-Line Equations with Mode Transformations
The SPICE Subcircuit Model
Lumped-Circuit Approximate Models of the Line
The Inductive-Capacitive Coupling Approximate Model
Solution of the TransmissionLine Equations for ThreeConductor Lossy Lines
This chapter contains sections titled:
The Transmission-Line Equations for Three-Conductor Lossy Lines
Characterization of Conductor and Dielectric Losses
Solution of the Phasor (Frequency-Domain) Transmission-Line Equations for a Three-Conductor Lossy Line
Common-Impedance Coupling
The Time-Domain to Frequency-Domain Method
Appendix: A Brief Tutorial on Using PSPICE
This appendix contains sections titled:
Creating the Spice or PSPICE Program
Circuit Description
Execution Statements
Output Statements
The Subcircuit Model
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