发表于 2010-12-29 20:07:33
Sometimes the VTH is not specified the way you expected.
(Most more sophiscated MOS models don't directly assign device threshold voltage to VTH.)
Then you loose the freedom of assigning VTH as Gaussian variable.
Under such circustances, you want to set another SPICE parameter (that is part of the equation that derives VTH) as Gaussian. For instance, you may assign the parameter "delvto" as Gaussian, and still achieve the same goal (of varying device threshold voltage in your Monte Carlo simulations).
Not limited to VTH variation, you may also want to make beta (i.e., u * Cox * W / L) of the MOS transistor a Gaussian. As one of the practical approaches, beta variation can be 100% assigned to W variation, since in ordinary analog design, W usually is much larger than W_minimum, and W > L (actually not true for low-power analog design). |