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人工智能AI/深度学习 今日: 0|主题: 570|排名: 199 

版主: spwedasd
公告 公告: 大附件建议上传在云盘,然后分享链接(可以自行设定下载积分) jackzhang 2024-2-27    
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 ISSCC2024 Session Digest PPT Short-Course  ...23456 james2007 2024-2-23 5024756 tommy1993 4 天前
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 创芯大讲堂新课上线《DFT 设计与实现》限时75折 attach_img 创芯讲堂运营 2023-11-15 712979 nicolast86 2024-4-26 16:24
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 从RTL到GDSII IC设计、IP协同管理专属培训(五星级酒店 南京 苏州 上海 合肥 杭州 等 attach_img jackzhang 2024-4-11 13405 nicolast86 2024-4-26 15:30
全局置顶 隐藏置顶帖 忆阻器、第三代半导体等半导体材料与器件讲坛(资料+视频) jackzhang 2024-3-8 011669 jackzhang 2024-3-15 09:26
[资料] 《强化学习与深度学习:通过C语言模拟 (小高知宏)》中文版pdf attachment  ...2 lans0625 2024-1-2 10638 tom0626 前天 22:40
[资料] 《自然语言处理与深度学习:通过C语言模拟 (小高知宏)》中文翻译版pdf attachment lans0625 2024-1-8 4312 zhangyingui8 前天 14:52
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Scheduling Parallel Applications on Heterogeneous Distributed Systems】 attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-4-20 2014935 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[求助] 求论文PuDianNao: A Polyvalent Machine Learning Accelerator attachment agree 固执的寻觅 2019-9-8 65458 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[资料] Hardware accelerators for financial applications attachment  ...2 totuwei 2019-11-19 105002 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[资料] Research Infrastructures for Hardware Accelerators原版书 attachment  ...23 totuwei 2021-12-8 245256 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Multiprocessor Scheduling for Real-Time Systems】 attachment  ...2 free2bird 2021-4-20 1512548 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[原创] 机器学习和硬件-HotChips大会2023 juhuapaul 2023-10-9 3575 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[原创] Seeking BOOK: Efficient Processing of Deep Neural Networks 2020 (Vivienne Sze) M&C Publication 新人帖 attachment  ...2 mznonnt 2020-6-26 149737 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[资料] 【英文第四版】Programming Massively Parallel Processors: A Hands-on Approach attachment huikong2013 2023-8-3 8942 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[求助] [求助] 【求Springer书籍:Application Analysis Tools for ASIP Design,Application Profiling and Instruction-set Cu... attachment  ...23 free2bird 2021-3-9 2517192 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[资料] Empowering Artificial Intelligence Through Machine Learning @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 161518 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[求助] 【求Springer书籍:Task Scheduling for Multi-core and Parallel Architectures】 attachment  ...2 free2bird 2021-4-20 1911433 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[资料] Principles of Transactional Memory (Synthesis Lectures on Distributed Computing Theory) attachment hadd 2020-10-13 72550 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[原创] 机器学习,深度学习,人工智能,springer出的一些书 attach_img  ...2 juhuapaul 2021-2-5 166738 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[资料] Multicore and GPU Programming, 2nd Edtion @2023 attach_img  ...234 2046 2022-11-11 302817 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[求助] 求High-Performance and Time-Predictable Embedded Computing一书 attachment  ...2 guo@hust 2023-3-12 191883 abc_def_ghi 3 天前
[其它] 【书籍】奇思妙想:15位计算机天才及其重大发现 attachment  ...2 wangchenglong 2024-1-8 10670 zoe0615 5 天前
[资料] 深度学习和机器学习相关书籍(10本):Python深度学习实战 attach_img  ...2 邝卓宇 2024-1-9 11928 tom0626 5 天前
[资料] Python高性能编程 attachment  ...23 血溶伊剑 2021-7-31 207149 ddale 7 天前
[资料] Python基础教程(第3版) attachment  ...2345 royct 2018-8-17 4410052 VicWang 2024-5-6 16:40
[资料] 不是经典不推荐-《Python+Cookbook》第三版中文v3.0.0 attachment  ...23456..14 angle963 2018-4-15 13075730 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:39
[资料] python基础教程(第三版),分享这本新书 attachment  ...23456..19 deng1205 2018-4-11 18177364 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:38
[资料] 不是经典不推荐--《Deep Learning》(深度学习)中文版 attachment  ...23456..23 angle963 2018-2-2 22981918 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:36
[资料] 机器学习实战 中文版+英文版+代码 attachment  ...23456..27 血溶伊剑 2017-7-10 26676611 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:32
[资料] 2018预售新书python 深度学习 Deep learning with python,中文原版PDF attachment  ...23456..23 coxswain 2018-8-21 22167206 飞龙啸天1 2024-4-28 12:31
[原创] Recent Trends in Image and Signal Processing in Computer Vision.Springer.2020 attachment  ...23 wuende 2020-5-10 2416540 semileon 2024-4-28 09:55
[原创] Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach , Fourth Edition (2021) attach_img castlerock 2024-1-30 6636 wo_zwm 2024-4-28 08:56
[求助] 求书 Machine Learning with PyTorch and Scikit-Learn solaris 2024-4-28 099 solaris 2024-4-28 07:09
[资料] Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras, 3rd Edition @2022 attach_img  ...23 2046 2022-11-20 212664 zhb9103 2024-4-27 23:13
[资料] Artificial Intelligence for 6G @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 171815 digicomm 2024-4-27 23:11
[资料] Algebra,Topology,Differntial Calculus,and Optimization Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning attach_img  ...234 付牛青 2020-6-17 3730055 zhb9103 2024-4-27 23:06
[资料] Graph Neural Networks: Foundations, Frontiers, and Applications @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 172099 zhb9103 2024-4-27 23:04
[资料] Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 and 5G Technology @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 131223 zhb9103 2024-4-27 22:59
[资料] Artificial Intelligence: Applications and Innovations @2022 attach_img  ...2 2046 2022-11-19 151830 zhb9103 2024-4-27 22:55
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