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[资料] Haykin经典教材Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation及Matlab代码 attachment  ...23 TemporaryUser 2013-9-6 213983 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 18:38
[资料] 几本数学书籍 attachment  ...2 shawn104 2022-11-18 141710 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 18:22
Turbo码原理与应用技术 attachment  ...23456 guot 2009-5-10 528187 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 18:13
[资料] Transitions from Digital Communications to Quantum Communications attachment  ...2345 spwedasd 2016-8-19 438184 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 18:12
[原创] A General Theory of Phase Noise in Electrical Oscillators attachment  ...23 yunyong_i 2010-8-1 214494 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 18:11
[原创] Heterogeneous Reconfigurable Processors for Real-Time Baseband Processing attach_img  ...23 Jason.tschen 2016-1-25 275893 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 13:42
《Error Correction Coding: Mathematical Methods and Algorithms》[完整] attachment  ...23456..41 ic1906 2008-8-8 40748728 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 13:36
[资料] 【eBook 2016 新书】Introduction to Digital Communications - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...23456..7 saysayliam 2016-9-24 67778 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 13:20
[资料] 【eBook 2016 新书】Signals and Systems, A Primer with MATLAB - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...23456..11 saysayliam 2016-9-8 1081027 skahill 2024-1-31 12:29
[EBOOK]IPV6详解 attachment  ...2 一声叹息 2004-4-6 1443859 skahill 2024-1-31 12:13
射频电路设计——经典 attachment  ...23456..7 feifei879546213 2008-11-19 6918597 yuanpin318 2024-1-31 10:56
MIMO的基本知识介绍.pdf attachment  ...23 chenpeng3361 2007-12-14 295509 semileon 2024-1-30 09:53
DPD Reference design attachment  ...23 kingjhd000 2008-12-9 213370 semileon 2024-1-29 18:33
[资料] 2011 Contemporary Communication Systems Using MATLAB 第三版 attachment  ...23456..10 fwbnick 2014-9-14 9718907 holyhigh 2024-1-29 09:25
[资料] 无线WiFi,蓝牙Bluetooth,以太网ETH资料 attachment wangchenglong 2023-11-30 3503 EEto-ts 2024-1-27 19:00
Single-Chip 16-Port SerDes Gigabit Switch(bcm5396) attachment  ...23456..10 rocky77 2009-4-20 9318984 birdhappy 2024-1-24 23:43
[资料] Free 数字通信大牛 Cioffi 斯坦福教授 principles of digital communication 书  ...2 spwedasd 2011-5-25 113307 binnq 2024-1-22 16:38
Gallager1963的LDPC码的论文 attachment waaadoooo 2008-2-13 92415 binnq 2024-1-22 16:37
[原创] (NEW)5G移动通信系统设计与标准详解 attachment  ...234 zhanghaifeng 2022-11-25 304629 zzhito 2024-1-18 23:30
[解决] Digital baseband transmission and recording attachment  ...2345 tunable_ads 2014-9-20 4612477 mryu 2024-1-18 20:10
调频系统中的预加重和去加重技术 xlming126 2007-1-5 54835 wuchushanren1 2024-1-18 15:31
[资料] 北京邮电大学杨鸿文教授无线通信讲义 - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...2 raowy2009 2011-4-5 1395 my16821 2024-1-17 20:53
通信原理2(北邮~杨鸿文)课件 attachment  ...23 blueblueblue 2009-9-25 224878 my16821 2024-1-17 20:51
459页FPGA-CPLD在软件无线电中的工程应用PPT attachment  ...23456..16 智慧棒 2009-5-10 15524092 my16821 2024-1-17 10:34
[资料] [好书] Multi-Carrier Systems & Solutions 2009 attach_img  ...2 zhaish 2013-4-22 134561 im.leo 2024-1-16 19:21
[资料] 【eBook 2016 新书】Communications in Interference Limited Networks - [阅读权限 10]attach_img  ...23 saysayliam 2016-9-8 29320 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:45
[资料] Understanding Linux network internals attachment  ...23 cwy691024 2016-10-12 226081 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:12
[资料] Network Controller Sideband Interface (NC-SI) spec attachment  ...2 cwy691024 2016-10-12 167670 im.leo 2024-1-16 14:11
[资料] Advanced Multicarrier Technologies for Future Radio Communication 5G and Beyond attach_img  ...23456..8 spwedasd 2017-7-17 7817887 holyhigh 2024-1-14 08:48
[资料] 2012新书:Digital and Analogue Communication Systems 第八版 attachment  ...23456..10 fwbnick 2014-9-24 9420615 holyhigh 2024-1-13 20:19
[资料] 推荐一本好书:Software Defined Radio using MATLAB & Simulink and the RTL-SDR attach_img  ...23456..13 zhaish 2016-11-1 12931600 holyhigh 2024-1-13 20:13
[资料] 《MIT-高速通讯线路与系统》英文版pdf attach_img  ...2 lans0625 2021-10-21 163662 im.leo 2024-1-13 12:28
Solution manual of Discrete-time Signal Processing attachment  ...23456 wuhuhusong 2009-11-6 5112320 im.leo 2024-1-13 11:06
[资料] High_Speed_Serdes_and_Applications.pdf 新人帖 attachment  ...234 guhaohui 2019-6-4 367616 toka888 2024-1-12 15:35
[原创] New Book: Practical Guide to MIMO Radio Channel: with MATLAB Examples attach_img  ...23456..9 spwedasd 2013-7-26 8019982 szdgsz 2024-1-8 19:51
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