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No ideal or dont_touch nets found in the clock tree
No dont_touch hnets found in the clock tree
Validating CTS configuration done. (took cpu=0:00:00.1 real=0:00:00.3)
CCOpt configuration status: cannot run ccopt_design.
Check the log for details of problem(s) found:
Design configuration problems
One or more clock trees have configuration problems
Clock tree configuration problems:
Clock tree Problem
clk Could not determine drivers to use
Check Prerequisites done. (took cpu=0:00:00.1 real=0:00:00.3)
CCOpt: hase::Initialization done. (took cpu=0:00:00.1 real=0:00:00.3)
ResetUserSetOptions processing place_detail_use_check_drc
**ERROR: (IMPCCOPT-2196): Cannot run ccopt_design because the command prerequisites were not met. Review the previous error messages for more details about the failure.
Set place::cacheFPlanSiteMark to 0
*** Summary of all messages that are not suppressed in this session:
Severity ID Count Summary
WARNING IMPCCOPT-1361 3 Routing configuration for %s nets in clo...
ERROR IMPCCOPT-1135 1 CTS found neither inverters nor buffers ...
ERROR IMPCCOPT-2196 1 Cannot run ccopt_design because the comm...
WARNING IMPCCOPT-1183 1 The library has no usable balanced %ss f...
WARNING IMPCCOPT-1182 1 The clock_gating_cells property has no u...
WARNING IMPCCOPT-1184 1 The library has no usable balanced %ss f...
*** Message Summary: 6 warning(s), 2 error(s)
#% End ccopt_design (date=03/10 04:13:02, total cpu=0:00:00.1, real=0:00:00.0, peak res=915.8M, current mem=915.8M)
**ERROR: (IMPSYT-6692): Invalid return code while executing 'run_invs.tcl' was returned and script processing was stopped. Review the following error in 'run_invs.tcl' then restart.
Error info: run_invs.tcl:
while executing
"ccopt_design -monolithicflow_only"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval ccopt_design $step $args"
(procedure "ccopt_design" line 38)
invoked from within
(file "run_invs.tcl" line 146)
invoked from within
"::se_source_orig run_invs.tcl"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel [concat ::se_source_orig $args]"
(procedure "source" line 172)
invoked from within
"source run_invs.tcl"
("uplevel" body line 1)
invoked from within
"uplevel #0 source run_invs.tcl"
("eval" body line 1)
invoked from within
"eval {uplevel #0 source run_invs.tcl}"
(in namespace inscope "::" script line 1)
invoked from within
"namespace inscope :: eval "uplevel #0 source $fileName"".
<CMD> win
*** Memory Usage v#1 (Current mem = 1223.059M, initial mem = 264.430M) ***
*** Message Summary: 70 warning(s), 3 error(s)
--- Ending "Innovus" (totcpu=0:08:58, real=0:52:57, mem=1223.1M) ---