是的 我是按照你说的做的 创建config 然后verilog的模块加function 电路部分用schematic veriloga部分用的symbol 然后在ADE Explorer里进行AMS仿真 但是最后跑不出来 他会报错error
For more details, consult the job log file:
Deleted view binding for instance 'I8' in cellview (SNN_SPK_TEST test_count schematic).
WARNING (ADE-5723): Config view of SNN_SPK_TEST of test_count has changed, therefore reopening the modified config view.
ERROR (WIA-1175): Cannot plot waveform signals because no waveform data is available for plotting.
One of the possible reasons can be that 'Save' check box for these signals are not selected in the Outputs Setup pane. Ensure that these check boxes are selected before you run the simulation.
ERROR (EXPLORER-5031): While simulating run ExplorerRun.0, point 1, test SNN_SPK_TEST:test_count:1, received error:
Simulation Error:
Simulator failed to complete the simulation.
The simulator process returned a non-zero exit code, indicating failure.
The simulator could have crashed or intentionally returned to indicate an error.
Check the simulator log file for more information. Common causes:
1. Simulator may have crashed during exit even after reporting success in log file.
2. Abrupt automatic simulator termination (e.g., SIGKILL) because the simulator process has
exceeded resource limits, which can be specified in the distribution system or
by the kernel itself (e.g., the Linux OOMKiller).
3. Manual termination of the simulator process.
./runSimulation can be manually run in this directory to check the issue.
For details open log: /home/chengy/simulation/SNN_SPK_TEST/test_count/maestro/results/maestro/ExplorerRun.0/1/SNN_SPK_TEST:test_count:1/psf/irun.log for the point: (3 1)
For more details, consult the job log file: