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[资料] 2024 Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications

发表于 2024-12-27 23:15:17 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications


English  2024
ISBN: 1119472199
True PDF

A vital resource that comprehensively covers advanced topics in applied electromagnetics for the professional
Electromagnetism (EM) is a highly abstract and complex subject that examines how exerting a force on charged particles is affected by the presence and motion of adjacent particles. The interdependence of the time varying electric and magnetic fields―one producing the other, and vice versa―has allowed researchers to consider them as a single coherent entity: the electromagnetic field. Under this umbrella, students can learn about numerous and varied topics, such as wireless propagation, satellite communications, microwave technology, EM techniques, antennas, and optics, among many others.
Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications covers advanced topics in applied electromagnetics for the professional by offering a comprehensive textbook that covers the basics of EM to the most advanced topics such as the classical electron theory of matters, the mechanics model and macroscopic model. Specifically, the book provides a welcome all-in-one source on wireless and guided EM that deals in a wide range of subjects: transmission lines, impedance matching techniques, metallic waveguides, resonators, optical waveguides, optical fibres, antennas, antenna arrays, wireless systems, and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and more. The content is supported with innovative pedagogy, the most recent reports and working principles of relevant and contemporary technological developments including applications, specialist software tools, laboratory experiments, and innovative design projects.
Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications readers will also find
Multiple practical examples, similes and illustrations of interdisciplinary topics related to wireless and guided electromagnetism
Explanations of new topics with support of basic theories connected to real-world contexts and associated applications
Sets of technology applications that rely on advanced electromagnetism
A series of review questions and drills, end-of-chapter problems, and exercises to help enforce what was learned in each chapter
Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications is an ideal textbook for graduate students and senior undergraduates studying telecommunication and wireless communication. It is also a useful resource for industry engineers and members of defense services. Moreover, the book is an excellent non-specialist engineering reference able to be used in other disciplines, such as biomedical engineering, mechatronics, computer science, materials engineering, civil and environmental engineering, physics, network engineering, and wireless services.

Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications.part1.rar

32 MB, 下载次数: 90 , 下载积分: 资产 -9 信元, 下载支出 9 信元

Fields and Waves in Electromagnetic Communications.part2.rar

1.77 MB, 下载次数: 93 , 下载积分: 资产 -2 信元, 下载支出 2 信元

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