Compiled Tue Feb 13 13:27:06 PST 2024 on sce-tcad-build01
Warning: failed to initialize XRandr
Warning: X server does not support XInput 2
Warning: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server
Warning: QStandardPaths: runtime directory '/run/user/20177' is not owned by UID 0, but a directory permissions 0700 owned by UID 20177 GID 20177
Datexcodes: Found and Loaded at: '/tools/synopsys/TCAD2024.3/sentaurus/V-2024.03//bin/../tcad/current/lib/datexcodes.txt'.
Datexcodes: Found and Loaded at: '/tools/synopsys/TCAD2024.3/sentaurus/V-2024.03/tcad/current/lib/datexcodes.txt'.
Multithreading will use 8 threads.
Warning: QXcbConnection: Failed to initialize GLX
Could not initialize a valid OpenGL context.
Could not initialize a valid OpenGL context.