//*OPTION 3: Define Property of resistor. The value can be WL or R.
//* WL(Upper Case): Using W & L as the property of Resistor.
//* R(Upper Case) : Using R as the property of Resistor.
//*OPTION 4: Define Property of MIM. The value can be WL or C.
//* WL(Upper Case): Using WR & LR as the property of MIM.
//* C(Upper Case) : Using C as the property of MIM.
//*OPTION 5: Define Property of PIP. The value can be WL or C.
//* WL(Upper Case): Using WR & LR as the property of PIP.
//* C(Upper Case) : Using C as the property of PIP.
//*OPTION 6: Define interface resistance or not. The value can be TRUE or FALSE.
//*TRUE(Upper Case) : Total resistance R = Rsh*L/(W-2*DW)+2*Rint
//*FALSE(Upper Case) : Total resistance R = Rsh*L/(W-2*DW)