每次用Virtuoso Layout XL打开Layout时,如果有画schematic,则默认会弹出physconfig,如图1;
如果没有schematic,默认会弹出一个update connectivity(这个窗口也很烦),如图2;如果点击yes会报error;如果点击no,会报*WARNING* (LX-2040): Cannot open cellview in Layout XL because there is no connectivity reference defined. The cellview was opened in Layout L instead.
问题似乎已解决。还是读Manual好使,我就直接摘原话了: lxSchematicDefaultApp
layoutXL lxSchematicDefaultApp cyclic { "L" | "XL" | "None" } Description
Specifies which tier of the Virtuoso Schematic Editor is started when you launch Layout XL
or GXL. If the environment variable is set to “None”, the Layout XL is launched without the
schematic editor being open.
The default is "XL".
envGetVal("layoutXL" "lxSchematicDefaultApp")
envSetVal("layoutXL" "lxSchematicDefaultApp" 'cyclic "L")
envSetVal("layoutXL" "lxSchematicDefaultApp" 'cyclic "XL")
envSetVal("layoutXL" "lxSchematicDefaultApp" 'cyclic "None") Arguments
L Launches Virtuoso Schematic Editor L
XL Launches Virtuoso Schematic Editor XL
None The Virtuoso Schematic Editor is not launched. GUI Equivalent
Command: Options – Connectivity – General tab