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请问一下,使用intercept_connection 命令插入了mux之后,extract_icl导出ICL,没问题,后面process_patterns_specification处理pattern的时候报了以下问题:
Error: unable to find a solution for the current PDL constraints.
Note: The predefined limit of iApply scan loads and/or parallel I/O operations(64) has been reached while resolving the current PDL constraints. If the ICL network is very complex, consider increasing this limit with the command 'set_ijtag_retargeting_options -max_operations_pre_iapply <number>'. Otherwise, resolving the iApply may actually be impossible (e.g. because of conflicting iWrite commands, a deadlock in the ICL network, etc).
Note: The following commands were part of the last iApply and are now removed from schedule:
iRead ***_bscan_tessent_tap_main_inst.bypass 0b0
iWrite ***_bscan_tessent_tap_main_inst.bypass 0b1
Error: The iCall of iTopProc 'JtagBscanTestStep_test_logic_reset_iproc', which is associated with the ICL module 'top_wrapper', failed.
Warning: Due to the current ICL network configuration no input of the ScanMux 'tessent_learned_scan_mux_0' is selected.
This might make it impossible to reconfigure the ICL network.