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本帖最后由 kk2009 于 2024-3-15 04:48 编辑
Release Name SIGRITY/SYSANLS 2023.1
Release Date22-Dec-2023
Release VersionSigrity and Systems Analysis 2023.1 HF3 Release
Release NumberSIG23.10.300
List of products included in the combined Sigrity and Systems Analysis 2023.1 release
Copyright (c) 2023 Cadence Design Systems, Inc.
All rights reserved worldwide.
Products included in the Sigrity Release - SIGRITY2023.1
Product# ProductName
PA5700 Allegro Sigrity SI Base
PA5750 Allegro Sigrity High-Speed Base
PA5800 Allegro Sigrity PI Base
PA5900 Aurora
PA5902 Sigrity Aurora II
PA5920 Sigrity Aurora for IC Package Analysis
SIGR001 Sigrity Starter Kit
SIGR008 Sigrity CPU Accelerator Option
SIGR011 Sigrity Broadband SPICE
SIGR051 OptimizePI
SIGR053 Sigrity OptimizePI II
SIGR201 PowerDC
SIGR203 Sigrity PowerDC II
SIGR301 PowerSI
SIGR302 Sigrity PowerSI II
SIGR404 ERC - Layout Agnostic
SIGR506 SystemSI - Serial Link Analysis II
SIGR556 SystemSI - Parallel Bus Analysis II
SIGR570 Sigrity Topology Explorer
SIGR573 Sigrity Topology Explorer II
SIGR575 Sigrity SystemSI Suite
SIGR706 XcitePI Simulation
SIGR726 XcitePI Extraction
SIGR801 XtractIM
SIGR803 Sigrity XtractIM II
SIGR912 Advanced SI
SIGR913 Sigrity Advanced SI II
SIGR915 Allegro Sigrity Power Aware SI Option
SIGR917 Sigrity Advanced SI II SystemAI Option
SIGR922 Advanced PI
SIGR923 Sigrity Advanced PI II
SIGR925 Allegro Sigrity Power Integrity Signoff and Optimization Option
SIGR927 Sigrity Advanced PI II SystemPI Option
SIGR932 PCB Extraction Suite
SIGR935 Allegro Sigrity System Serial Link Option
SIGR942 IC Package Extraction Suite
SIGR944 Advanced IC Package Extraction Suite
SIGR945 Allegro Sigrity Package Assessment and Extraction Option
SIGR952 Advanced IBIS Modeling
SIGR953 Sigrity Advanced IBIS Modeling II
SIGR955 Voltus IC Power Integrity Solution - Sigrity Package Analysis (VTS-SPA) (Package Analysis Option to Voltus-AA)
SIGR965 Sigrity PKG-PCB SSO Voltus Suite
Products included in the Systems Analysis Release - SYSANLS2023.1
Product# ProductName
SYS100 Celsius Thermal Solver
SYS103 Celsius PowerDC
SYS108 Celsius Thermal Solver V8
SYS110 Celsius CPU Accelerator Option
SYS125 Celsius 2D Electrothermal Solver
SYS170 Celsius CFD Extension
SYS208 Clarity 3DQS Solver V8
SYS300 Clarity 3D Solver
SYS308 Clarity 3D Solver V8
SYS310 Clarity 3D Solver CPU Accelerator Option
SYS315 Multi-Physics Universal HPC Accelerator V8
SYS316 Multi-Physics Universal HPC Accelerator
SYS350 Clarity 3D Solver Cloud
SYS400 Clarity 3D Transient Solver
SYS700 Optimality Explorer Essentials
SYS923 Celsius Advanced PTI
SYS932 Clarity PCB Extraction Suite
SYS942 Clarity IC Package Extraction Suite
SYS944 Clarity Advanced IC Package Extraction Suite
SYS956 Voltus IC Power and Thermal Solution - Sigrity Package Analysis (VTS-SPA) (Package Analysis Option to Voltus-AA) II
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