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[求助] IC617工艺角仿真为什么进行不下去?

发表于 2024-2-11 00:32:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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进入ADE XL建立adexl设计文件后,先进行Nominal Corner 仿真,可以完成。如图所示: Screenshot-1.png

但是,增加Corner -- C0,ff工艺, 温度-40、25、100,工艺角设计如图所示:

Screenshot-Untitled Window.png



Loaded smic13mmrf_1233/ successfully!
INFO (SCH-1170): Extracting "test_bias schematic"
INFO (SCH-1426): Schematic check completed with no errors.
INFO (SCH-1181): "test_smic test_bias schematic" saved.
INFO (SCH-1183): No changes were made. No objects updated.
INFO (SCH-1170): Extracting "test_bias schematic"
INFO (SCH-1426): Schematic check completed with no errors.
INFO (SCH-1181): "test_smic test_bias schematic" saved.
Delete psf data in /home/smith/simulation/test_smic/test_bias/adexl/results/data/.tmpADEDir_smith/test_smic:test_bias:1/simulation/test_bias/spectre/schematic/psf.
generate netlist...
Initializing the control file using cp:
    cp /opt/Cadence/IC617/tools.lnx86/dfII/etc/si/control.spectre /home/smith/simulation/test_smic/test_bias/adexl/results/data/.tmpADEDir_smith/test_smic:test_bias:1/test_smic_test_bias_schematic_spectre/netlist/control
Copying Spectre source file 'spectre.inp'
Copying Spectre command file 'spectre.sim'
Begin Incremental Netlisting Feb 11 07:54:40 2024
End netlisting Feb 11 07:54:40 2024

Netlisting Statistics:
    Number of components:    4

    Elapsed time:          0.0s
Errors: 0    Warnings: 0
compose simulator input file...
start simulator if needed...
INFO (ADE-3071): Simulation completed successfully.
reading simulation data...
terminal /M0/D selected but not highlighted
WARNING (ADEXL-1922): Failed to start new job after 3 attempts. Possible reasons could be
1. The machine selected in the current Job Setup Policy is not reachable.
2. The Cadence hierarchy is not detected, not installed properly or
   not compatible on the machine selected in the current Job Setup Policy.
3. Job Start script /home/smith/.tmp_smith/.cmddir1/runICRP31 is not found on the remote machine(s).

WARNING (ADEXL-1922): Failed to start new job after 6 attempts. Possible reasons could be
1. The machine selected in the current Job Setup Policy is not reachable.
2. The Cadence hierarchy is not detected, not installed properly or
   not compatible on the machine selected in the current Job Setup Policy.
3. Job Start script /home/smith/.tmp_smith/.cmddir1/runICRP34 is not found on the remote machine(s).


发表于 2024-2-11 06:13:16 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 fatcat1205 于 2024-2-11 06:30 编辑

Corner设置里的模型文件和Test里面是分开的。你在Corner设置里面给出了了模型文件,但是对应的section没有给出。你打开Test里面的model setup,对照着把section都选好,记得选中激活再试试。

上面是根据我较早之前做仿真的经验得到的结论。我刚刚在ICADV20.1和spectre21.10下面试了一下,在这个版本下面,Corner里面没有设置Section的,都会从Test中获得。比较稳妥的检查方法是,打开input.scs文件。看看里面对应的模型文件有没有Section。打开input.scs所在文件夹,可以通过鼠标右击结果页面中的仿真结果所在列的任意单元格。然后在弹出菜单中选择Open Terminal,在打开的终端中进入子文件夹netlist。其中就可以看到input.scs文件了。
如果该文件中内容是正确的。可以在netlist文件中执行runSimulation文件。它会在命令行启动ADEXL GUI所设置的仿真。如果该仿真能顺利运行。那么可能就是Job Policy设置的问题了。这个就需要联系IT了。看log,很有可能是这个。不过还是先把Corner设置中的section可能存在的问题排除一下。

 楼主| 发表于 2024-2-11 08:09:00 | 显示全部楼层
非常感谢!是data View中的Parameters没有设置,我在Edit Submit Point对话框中勾选“Get values from schematic”,再仿真,就可以了。
发表于 2024-2-23 18:28:21 | 显示全部楼层

wild-mountain 发表于 2024-2-11 08:09
非常感谢!是data View中的Parameters没有设置,我在Edit Submit Point对话框中勾选“Get values from sche ...

屏幕截图 2024-02-23 182818.png
 楼主| 发表于 2024-3-11 22:33:21 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2024-4-16 16:19:04 | 显示全部楼层

Liu_Suyang 发表于 2024-2-23 18:28
您好,我遇到了相同的问题,您是修改的这里,勾选上schematic吗?但是我换成schematic后还是一直处在pend ...

麻烦问一下这个是在哪里啊?edit submit point?
发表于 2024-4-16 18:06:17 | 显示全部楼层

l_fay 发表于 2024-4-16 16:19
麻烦问一下这个是在哪里啊?edit submit point?

如果你用的是ade xl的话,打开后,在最上面有个Run,然后靠近下面有个submit point

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