发表于 2023-12-22 01:36:41
Thank you for sharing. This is a smart compensation.
Co provide both "startup" and "stability compensation" function.
(1) M1, M2, M3 form a positive feedback loop
(2) M3, M4, R are negative feedback loop
If VDD rise, gate of M1/M2 follow VDD but gate of M3 may stay at ground. the circuit won't start up. C0 can pull up the gate of M3, then the voltage of gate of M4 will be built
On the other side, C0 will also reduce the positive loop gain of (1).
This is my comment. Discussion is welcomed.
Add "iprobe" in the path of "gate of M3" to "M1/M4 drain" run "stb" to check phase margin with and without C0. You should be able to see the difference. |