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ASPEN OneLiner and Power Flow V14.7 with Breaker Rating and DistriView

发表于 2023-10-31 20:36:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 MarcelMan 于 2023-10-31 21:07 编辑

ASPEN OneLiner and Power Flow V14.7 with Breaker Rating and DistriView Complete Features

OneLiner: The leading short circuit and relay coordination system

ASPEN OneLiner is a PC-based short circuit and relay coordination program for relay engineers. OneLiner is a productivity tool. It relieves the engineer from the tedious and time-consuming tasks of leafing through stacks of printouts and plotting and re-plotting relay curves and one-line diagrams. OneLiner works very quickly under the control of the engineer. The engineer can change the relay settings and network configuration and see the results of the change immediately. The software also includes a built-in API engine that lets users create applications in Python and other programming platforms for custom studies.   
ASPEN OneLiner   is the leading short circuit and relay coordination program with a 46% market share, according to an independent survey of 87 utilities in 24 countries (55 in the US, 12 in Europe, 3 in Latin America, 7 in Asia Pacific, 5 in the Middle East and Africa, and 5 in Canada) by Newton-Evans Research Co., Inc. in 2009.

Power Flow: A full-featured power flow program for transmission systems

ASPEN Power Flow is a full-featured, PC-based power flow program designed for the planning, design and operating studies of transmission, sub-transmission and distribution networks. The easy-to-use graphical interface makes it an ideal tool for investigating the effects of network reconfiguration and temporary outages on power flow, system losses, area interchange and circuit overloading. The following are some highlights of the Power Flow Program:
  • Native Microsoft Windows program.
  • Easy-to-use interactive graphics interface under Windows 7, 8,10, and 11.
  • Accurate modeling of 2- and 3-winding transformers, phase shifters, lines, switches, series capacitors and reactors, generators, loads, capacitors, reactors, switched shunts and dc lines.
  • Robust automatic-control algorithms for generator voltage regulation (local and remote), transformer load tap changes, phase shifter MW controllers, switched shunts, and area-interchange constraints.
  • Unlimited system size with modest memory requirement.
  • Lightning fast solution speed.
  • Graphical display of solution on the one-line diagram.
  • Graphical warning of branch overloads and voltage violations on the one-line diagram.
  • High-quality printed outputs on a large variety of printers and plotters.
  • Bus-by-bus solution report in various formats.
  • Summary on area interchange, voltage violations, branch overloads, LTC transformers, generator outputs, and loads.
  • Data importing facilities from network data in ANAREDE, GE, PTI (PSS/E and PSS/U) and other formats.
  • Data exporting facilities for ANAREDE, PTI PSS/E raw data files and GE PSLF files.
  • Built-in scripting language using the B asic  programming language.
  • Scripts for contingency studies and power transfer-limit studies.
  • Easy-to-use N-1 contingency studies.
  • Proven reliability at major utilities in the US and abroad.

DistriView: An integrated analysis tool for distribution engineers

ASPEN DistriView is an integrated suite of voltage drop, short circuit, relay coordination, and harmonics and reliability calculation software for utility distribution systems. DistriView is designed for networks that has a mixture of 3-phase, 2-phase and single-phase network components, including unbalanced loads and shunts. The user interface is very similar to that of ASPEN OneLiner , with split windows, floating menus and a data browser. Some highlights of DistriView are these:

  • Native Microsoft Windows program.
  • Easy-to-use interactive graphics interface under Windows 7, 8 and 10.
  • Models the distribution network in the phase domain (and not in the sequence domain) for short-circuit, locked-rotor and voltage-drop (load-flow) studies.
  • Handles radial or network systems. Each network can have multiple feeders. Each feeder can be fed by any number of substation buses.
  • Simulate short circuits: bus faults, close-in faults, line-end faults and intermediate faults.
  • Simulates lock-rotor condition for single- and 3-phase induction machines, with a variety of starting methods.
  • Simulates distribution transformer faults and reports on fault current on the low side.
  • Simulates voltage drop with a true 3-phase load flow algorithm.
  • Short-circuit and locked-rotor studies can use a voltage-drop solution as initial condition.
  • Has advanced analysis tools: stepped-event analysis, voltage sag analysis, arc-flash calculation and more.
  • Has built-in harmonic analysis engine for frequency scan and harmonic load-flow solution.
  • Has the ability to calculate feeder reliability.
  • Has built-in calculator for overhead-lines and cable impedances. Has library of large number of commonly used conductors, pole constructions and underground cable circuits.
  • Has a fault locator command that accept fault records from COMTRADE files, PDQ files and SEL event files with EVE or CEV extension.
  • Has arc flash hazard calculator based on IEEE 1584-2011 and -2018 standards.
  • Advanced network modeling

    • 2-winding transformers: Balanced 3-phase, as well as transformers that are made up of one, two or three single-phase banks with different kVA ratings and impedances.
    • 3-winding transformers without fictitious buses.
    • 2- and 3-way switches, circuit breakers, voltage regulators and boosters, switchable capacitors, grounding banks, and single-, 2-phase and 3-phase lines and cables.
    • Spot loads and section loads modeled as a mixture of constant power, constant impedance and constant current components in voltage drop studies.
    • Distributed loads: modeled as 'section loads' on lines and cables. The total source load can be allocated to section loads using REA, kWh and kVA methods, as well as using line length.
    • Synchronous machines and synchronous condensers: Each machine can be controlled to hold constant voltage or constant power in a voltage-drop study.
    • Induction generators and motors: both 3-phase and single-phase.
    • Inverter-interfaced generators: for modeling solar, wind type-4 and other generators.
    • Type-3 wind generators, also known as doubly-fed induction generators.
  • Advanced relay modeling:

    • Overcurrent relays, fuses, reclosers, sectionalizers and compounded overcurrent devices: The program comes with curves for about 3000 relay, fuse and recloser types. The relay library is user modifiable.
    • Distance relays: Has generic mho and quadrilateral characteristics, as well as manufacturer-specific models that mimics the fault-detection and tripping logic of commercial relays from ABB, GE, SEL, Areva, Siemens, and others.
  • Has the ability to import distance-relay setting parameters from files generated by GE, SEL and other relay manufacturers.
  • Has automatic coordination checking algorithms for any mix of fuses, reclosers and relays.
  • Has the ability to allocate loads in a batch mode using billing data or other sources.
  • Plots transformer damage curve and inrush curves automatically.
  • Choice of IEC or American transformer symbols, 50 or 60 Hz, English or metric units.
  • Displays results of voltage-drop, short-circuit and locked-rotor simulations graphically with color visualization of over- and under-voltage areas.
  • Can output vector-graphics file that can be imported into other software.
  • Has capacitor placement algorithm for loss reduction.
  • Can read ASPEN OneLiner data files.
  • Comes with data conversion program for ArcFM and PTI ADEPT (PSS/U) data files.

For more information about ASPEN OneLiner and Power Flow V14.7 with Breaker Rating and DistriView complete features, please contact

发表于 2023-11-1 06:43:53 | 显示全部楼层
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