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系统:CentOS7 -> Ubuntu 20.04
版本:Synopsys VCS 2020 -> Synopsys VCS 2016
为什么要拷贝呢,因为在安装的Ubuntu系统中运行不了项目,所以在CentOS7中运行,但是CentOS7中运行不了urg命令(会报错,报错信息见 https://bbs.eetop.cn/thread-952944-1-1.html 如果大神可以解决也麻烦帮忙看看),在Ubuntu中可以运行,所以我在CentOS7中运行并生成vdb文件,拷贝到Ubuntu中查看,此时遇到了下面的报错。
$ urg -lca -dir test.vdb/
INFO : The directory 'test.vdb/' passed to the URG command line is generated from a 64-bit simulation kernel. Hence, '-full64' is automatically added to the URG command line and URG would generate the reports with Full64 VCS installation.
URG Version L-2016.06 Copyright (c) 1991-2016 by Synopsys Inc.
20:12:02 (snpslmd) OUT: "VCSTools_Net" super@ubuntu
20:12:02 (snpslmd) IN: "VCSTools_Net" super@ubuntu
Warning-[LCA_FEATURES_ENABLED] Usage warning
LCA features enabled by '-lca' argument on the command line. For more
information regarding list of LCA features please refer to Chapter "LCA
features" in the VCS/VCS-MX Release Notes
Load Failed:
Error-[UCAPI-FLF] Ucapi file loading failed
Error occurred while loading file
Corrupt design found:
Error-[UCAPI-DESCORR] Design found corrupted
The database directory 'test/test_riscv_arithmetic_basic_test_0' may have
been corrupted. Please try regenerating it. If the problem still persists,
please contact vcs_support@synopsys.com for information.
Warning-[URG-LTF] Load test failed
Skipping test 'test/test_riscv_arithmetic_basic_test_0' as error occurred
while loading the test.
The test directory may have been corrupted. Please try regenerating it. If
the problem still persists, please contact vcs_support@synopsys.com for
Error-[URG-NVAT] No test found
URG could not find any valid test.
Please use the -dir option to specify the test directories to report.