发表于 2023-8-1 10:37:49
Is it possible to specify a custom hierarchy location for TAP and all Tessent Shell logic (tap_main, bisr, sib, bscan, DEF, etc.) insertion?
This can be achieved by specifying the parent_instance and interface_parent_instances(for the bscan interface) properties in the DftSpecification. These properties tell the tool that certain elments should be placed into an instance below the current top level.
set spec [create_dft_spec]
//For Boundary Scan one needs to add a logical group before the parent_instance property becomes visible.
//One way of doing this is shown below, this would insert all bscan cells into one logical group in the specified parent instance
add_config_element LogicalGroup(ALL_BSCAN_CELLS) -in $spec/BoundaryScan/LogicalGroups/
//Will assign all parent_instance properties in the DFTSpec($spec) the value of "wrapper_for_top_logic_inst"
set_config_value [get_config_elements *parent_instance -hierarchical -in $spec] wrapper_for_top_logic_inst
report_conf_data $spec |