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Cadence PEGASUS DFM 22.22.000 (2023 Version)
Cadence Design Systems, Inc. , the leader in global electronic design innovation, has unveiled Cadence PEGASUS DFM 22.22.000 is complete suite of manufacturability and variability solutions is used by both designers and manufacturers to improve design manufacturability and reduce the time to yield.
The Cadence DFM products and their release (MVS) have been rebranded as Pegasus DFM release. REL PEGASUSDFM21.3 is the first Pegasus DFM release by Cadence under the Pegasus brand that includes the same products as MVS. These are as follows:
- Pegasus Layout Pattern Analyzer (Pegasus LPA)
- Pegasus CMP Predictor (Pegasus CMP)
- Pegasus Critical Area Analyzer (Pegasus CAA)
- Pegasus Computational Pattern Analytics (Pegasus CPA)
Note: Signoff DFM is now changed to Pegasus DFM on the Cadence support website.
REL PEGASUSDFM22.1 is the second Pegasus DFM release by Cadence under the Pegasus brand that includes the same products as MVS. These are as follows:
- Pegasus Layout Pattern Analyzer (Pegasus LPA)
- Pegasus CMP Predictor (Pegasus CMP)
- Pegasus Critical Area Analyzer (Pegasus CAA)
- Pegasus Computational Pattern Analytics (Pegasus CPA)
- Virtuoso Application Library Environment
Note: Signoff DFM is now changed to Pegasus DFM on the Cadence support website.
Cadence DFM solutions address both designer and manufacturer challenges, including lithography, chemical and mechanical polishing (CMP), layout-dependent effects (LDE), layout and yield analysis, and optical proximity correction (OPC). This complete suite of manufacturability and variability solutions is used by both designers and manufacturers to improve design manufacturability and reduce the time to yield.
Cadence DFM solutionscomprise:
Litho Physical Analyzer (LPA)
Improves your systematic and parametric yield and meets foundry DFM signoff requirements. Detects and corrects lithography hotspots, based on either fast, accurate silicon contour prediction or high-performance pattern matching. LPA is also integrated into Innovus™ and Vi rtuoso™ implementation platforms to deliver in -design detection and automated fixing with fast turnaround time, improved fixing rate using LPA fixing guidelines, and ease-of-use though seamless integration. LPA is qualified by all major foundries.
Layout Dependant Effects (LDE) Electrical Analyzer
Allows designers to identify, analyze, and minimize the effect of parametric issues associated with manufacturing variability to improve chip performance.
Cadence CMP Predictor (CCP)
Enhances design performance and yield through model-based entire-stack thickness prediction, CMP hotspot detection, and CMP-aware RC extraction. CCP is qualified by all major foundries.
Process and Proximity Compensation (PPC)
A complete and comprehensive third-generation mask pattern synthesis solution built from the ground up for correct-by-construction OPC with the fastest mask cycle time.
Cadence Pattern Analysis (CPA)
A versatile layout processing tool suite with unmatched performance. Its high-capacity, high-performance layout analysis and optimization for design and manufacturing teams is used to improve manufacturability and reduce time to yield.
*****Please note*****
If you are interested in the full licensed software Cadence PEGASUS DFM 22.22.000 (2023 Version) with full feature license, then do well to contact fast.forever24@gmail.com