set bound_cell [get_lib_cells xxxx]
create_boundary_cells \
-lef_boundary_cell $bound_cell \
-right_boundary_cell $bound_cell \
-top_boundary_cells $bound_cell \
-bottom_boundary_cells $bound_cell \
-top_right_outside_corner_cell $bound_cell \
-bottom_right_outside_corner_cell $bound_cell \
-top_left_outside_corner_cell $bound_cell \
-bottom_left_outside_corner_cell $bound_cell \
-top_left_inside_corner_cells $bound_cell \
-top_right_inside_corner_cells $bound_cell \
-bottom_left_inside_corner_cells $bound_cell \
-bottom_right_inside_corner_cells $bound_cell \
-mirror_left_outside_corner_cell \
-mirror_right_outside_corner_cell \
-mirror_right_inside_corner_cell \
-mirror_left_inside_corner_cell \
-mirror_left_boundary_cell \
-mirror_right_boundary_cell \
-mirror_left_inside_horizontal_abutment_cell \
-mirror_right_inside_horizontal_abutment_cell \
-at_va_boundary \
-prefix bound
1、Site master "unit" has neither X-symmetry nor Y-symmetry . The "legal orientations" for the standard cells will be limited. (LGL-031)
2、Routing direction of metal layer GT is neither "horizontal" nor "vertical". PDC checks will not be performed on this layer.(PDC-003)
3、Cannot place boundary cell at location (x,y) because cell has an orientation that is not legal for the row it is placed on (CHF-115)