UVM_FATAL /xx/xx/xx/amba_svt/0-2018.12/axi_slave_svt/sverilog/src/vcs/svt_axi_base_slave_common.svp(3425) @ 226000: uvm_test_top.env.axi_env.axi_system_env.slave[0] [receive_write_addr] {OBJECT_NUM('d100000) PORT_ID('d0) PORT_NAME(slave[0]) TYPE(WRITE) COHERENT_XACT_TYPE(ERITENOSNOOP) ID('h0) SECURE('d1) ADDR('h0) CACHE_TYPE('d0) START_TIME(225000)} The object handle given to the sequencer by the monitor has not been returned back to the driver in 0 time. Please ensure that the sequence returns the object receiver from the monitor , back to the driver in 0 time
UVM_FATAL /xx/xx/xx/amba_svt/0-2018.12/axi_slave_svt/sverilog/src/vcs/svt_axi_base_slave_common.svp(3425) @ 226000: uvm_test_top.env.axi_env.axi_system_env.slave[0] [receive_write_addr] {OBJECT_NUM('d100000) PORT_ID('d0) PORT_NAME(slave[0]) TYPE(WRITE) COHERENT_XACT_TYPE(ERITENOSNOOP) ID('h0) SECURE('d1) ADDR('h0) CACHE_TYPE('d0) START_TIME(225000)} The object handle given to the sequencer by the monitor has not been returned back to the driver in 0 time. Please ensure that the sequence returns the object receiver from the monitor , back to the driver in 0 time