License checkout took 0.044 sec
Momentum MomEngine_64 12.00.024 (*) built: Jan 14 2016
Copyright 1992-2016, Keysight Technologies
Simulation started on: Thu Apr 20 08:54:38 2023
Simulation Mode: RF
--- ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Tech Input proj.tch - line 1 : syntax error, unexpected $undefined, expecting UNITS.
The tech file should contain 3 blocks of data:
* the units definition, starting with the token UNITS
* the stack definition, starting with the token BEGIN_STACK
* the masks definition, starting with the token BEGIN_MASK
--- ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Unable to open the file proj.sub.
Check : - existence of file ;
- file/directory read access permissions.
--- ERROR ---------------------------------------------------------------------
Unable to open the file proj.lmp.
Check : - existence of file ;
- file/directory read access permissions.