
楼主 |
发表于 2023-3-31 19:55:50
Basic ATPG设计流程包含以下步骤:
1. Prepare your netlist or netlists.
2. Read the netlist.
3. Read the library models.
4. Build the ATPG design model.
5. Perform test DRC and make any necessary corrections.
6. Prepare the design for ATPG, set up the fault list, analyze buses for contention, and set
the ATPG options.
7. Run automatic test pattern generation .
8. Analyze the ATPG pattern generation output.
9. Review the test coverage .
10. Rerun ATPG, as needed.
11. Write and save the test patterns.
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原文链接:https://blog.csdn.net/qq_34882285/article/details/123519603 |