发表于 2022-11-4 11:35:33
11 dut=[...] If set, the specified subcircuit instance have process and mismatch variations applied and the
unspecified instance only have process variations applied. All subcircuits instantiated under
this instance also have process and mismatch enabled. By default, mismatch is applied to all
subcircuit instances in the design and process is applied globally. This parameter allows the
test-bench to change and not affect the variations seen by the actual design.
12 ignore=[...] If set, no variation is applied to specified subcircuit instances. In addition, all subcircuits
instantiated under this instance do not have variation enabled. By default, the mismatch is
applied to all subcircuit instances in the design and the process is applied globally.
13 dutparams=[...] If set, only the specified statistical parameters have process and mismatch variations applied.
14 ignoreparams=[...]
If set, the specified statistical parameters are excluded from applying process and mismatch