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[求助] cadence仿真时spectre.out文件报错

发表于 2022-4-4 22:32:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 yqiyuan 于 2022-4-4 22:32 编辑

Spectre (R) Circuit Simulator
Version 64bit -- 27 Feb 2019
Copyright (C) 1989-2019 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. Cadence and Spectre are registered trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All others are the property of their respective holders.

Includes RSA BSAFE(R) Cryptographic or Security Protocol Software from RSA Security, Inc.

User: yqy   Host: yqy   HostID: 7F0100   PID: 18987
Memory  available: 72.9825 MB  physical: 2.9647 GB
Linux   : CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
CPU Type: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
All processors running at 3600.0 MHz
        Socket: Processors
        0:       0,  1,  2,  3

System load averages (1min, 5min, 15min) : 2.8 %, 1.8 %, 1.5 %
This is a virtual machine

Simulating `input.scs' on yqy at 7:07:22 PM, Mon Apr 4, 2022 (process id: 18987).
Current working directory: /home/yqy/simulation/buffer_test/spectre/schematic/netlist
Command line:
    /home/opt/virtuoso/SPECTRE18.10.287/tools/bin/spectre -64 input.scs  \
        +escchars +log ../psf/spectre.out +inter=mpsc  \
        +mpssession=spectre0_9263_6 -format psfxl -raw ../psf  \
        +lqtimeout 900
spectre pid = 18987

Warning from spectre.
    WARNING (SPECTRE-4063): Reading /home/opt/virtuoso/SPECTRE18.10.287/tools.lnx86/cmi/lib/64bit/5.0/defaultConfig: Cannot open the file for reading. Ensure that the file exists and you have the required permissions on it.

Reading file:  /home/yqy/simulation/buffer_test/spectre/schematic/netlist/input.scs

Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
    ERROR (SFE-868): Can not open input file `/home/opt/virtuoso/SPECTRE18.10.287/tools.lnx86/spectre/etc/configs/spectre.cfg'. No such file or directory. Ensure that the file exists and the path to the file is correct. Otherwise, use the -I<path> command-line option to specify the path to the file.

Time for NDB Parsing: CPU = 230.477 ms, elapsed = 226.253 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 283.416 ms, elapsed = 226.258 ms.
Peak resident memory used = 40.4 Mbytes.

Aggregate audit (7:07:22 PM, Mon Apr 4, 2022):
Time used: CPU = 285 ms, elapsed = 285 ms, util. = 100%.
Time spent in licensing: elapsed = 45.2 ms, percentage of total = 15.9%.
Peak memory used = 40.5 Mbytes.
Simulation started at: 7:07:22 PM, Mon Apr 4, 2022, ended at: 7:07:22 PM, Mon Apr 4, 2022, with elapsed time (wall clock): 285 ms.
spectre completes with 1 error, 1 warning, and 0 notices.
spectre terminated prematurely due to fatal error.

 楼主| 发表于 2022-4-4 22:40:45 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2022-4-5 01:13:52 | 显示全部楼层
在你的路径/home/opt/virtuoso/SPECTRE18.10.287/ 下,应该有一个softlink 是tools 指向 tools.lnx86的。如果没有,你可以手动创建一个 softlink, 命令是
cd /home/opt/virtuoso/SPECTRE18.10.287/
ln -s tools.lnx86 tools

如果这个链接已经存在,但是Spectre仍然报错,就是另外的问题。我认为你不因该把SPECTRE18和IC618装在一个$CDS_INST_ROOT 下面,因为这是按照两个软件包来Release的。也正是因为这个原因,我觉得你的Spectre装了之后没有Config好(或者本来就没装好),所i有在IC618平台上用有问题。
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