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Warning: In design 'top_interface5', the same net is connected to more than one pin on submodule 'mode5'. (LINT-33)
Net 'w_reg_04[3]' is connected to pins 'error', 'reg_04[3]'.
Warning: In design 'osc_delay5', cell 'C83' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'error5', cell 'C364' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'error5', cell 'C375' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'ee_control5', cell 'C1595' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'ee_control5', cell 'C1651' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'B_127' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'B_128' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'C8047' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'C8059' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'C8089' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'C8098' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'B_133' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'abz5', cell 'B_134' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
# Save Pre-compiler Design
echo "+++++++++ Saving Pre-compiler Designn ..."
+++++++++ Saving Pre-compiler Designn ...
write -f ddc -hier -output ../out/${TOP_LEVEL}_pre.ddc
Writing ddc file '../out/top_interface5_pre.ddc'.
write -f verilog -hier -output ../out/${TOP_LEVEL}_pre.v
Writing verilog file '/home/leo/projects/TMR249_digit/control/dc/dc_all_bc_wc/read/out/top_interface5_pre.v'.
Warning: Module osc_delay5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
Warning: Module error5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
Warning: Module releas5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
Warning: Module spi_control5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
Warning: Module rst5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
Warning: Verilog 'assign' or 'tran' statements are written out. (VO-4)
Warning: Module ee_control5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
Warning: Module regist5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
Warning: Verilog writer has added 90 nets to module abz5 using SYNOPSYS_UNCONNECTED_ as prefix. Please use the change_names command to make the correct changes before invoking the verilog writer. (VO-11)
Warning: Module abz5 contains unmapped components. The output netlist might not be read back into the system. (VO-12)
请问遇到这种warning该如何debug,我只在一个简单模块的map 网表中查了一下,但是没理解悬空的原因
module osc_delay5 (
input sys_clk ,
input rst_n ,
input sclk ,
output osc ,
output osc_n ,
output nsclk
reg [9:0] cnt_delay;
reg clk_n;
wire buf_osc;
always @ (posedge sys_clk or negedge rst_n) begin // div 2
clk_n <= 1'b0;
clk_n <= ~clk_n;
always @ (posedge clk_n or negedge rst_n) begin /// osc delay
cnt_delay <= 10'd0;
else if (cnt_delay[9]==1'b0)
cnt_delay <= cnt_delay+1'b1;
buffd20 buf5 (.Y(osc), .A(buf_osc));
assign buf_osc = cnt_delay[9] ==1'b1 ? clk_n : 1'b1;
assign osc_n= ~buf_osc;
assign nsclk = ~sclk;