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characterize时model读取有问题,”unable to identify the device type for..” 但是model中有n25_ckt的相关内容,请问需要做哪些修改才能成功运行?error如下: ERROR (LIB-508): (char_library): Unable toidentify the device type for 'n25_ckt' because no global or local NMOS or PMOSmodel has been loaded using 'read_spice' and no 'define_leafcell' command hasbeen specified. Load the model using 'read_spice' or specify a'define_leafcell' command and rerun. The 'define_leafcell' commands mustprecede 'read_spice' command. If the netlist has elements, also specify the'-element' argument with the 'define_leafcell' command. ERROR (LIB-507): (char_library): Failed toprocess the model based element inst: 'MM0', model: 'MOS' in the cell inverter.This cell will be skipped. Check the model uses standard parameter names andthe define_leafcell command options are used properly. Update the Tcl script and rerun. ERROR (LIB-203): (char_library): Cell'inverter' is scheduled for characterization but has no netlist, has an empty subcktor has no port on the subckt. This cell will be skipped. Check the netlist andrerun. Char.tcl中读取model和spice语句: set spicefiles$rundir/MODELS/include_models.sp foreach cell $cells { lappend spicefiles ${rundir}/NETLIST/${cell}.src.net } read_spice $spicefiles Model选用的是spectre: simulator lang = spectre include "newmodel/top*******.lib"section=top_tt n25_ckt的相关部分: subckt n25_ckt ( d g s b ) parameters +w = 1e-6 l = 1e-6 Netlist如下: .SUBCKT inverter GND VDD In Out *.PININFO GND:B VDD:B MM0 Out In GND net2 n25_ckt W=320n L=270nM=1 MM1 Out In VDD net3 p25_ckt W=320n L=270nM=1 .ENDS