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The Fourier Transform and Its Applications, Ronald N. Bracewell, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2000
Preface XVll
1 Introduction 1
2 Groundwork 5
The Fourier Transform and Fourier's Integral Theorem 5
Conditions for the Existence of Fourier Transforms 8
Transforms in the Limit 10
Oddness and Evenness 11
Significance of Oddness and Evenness 13
Complex Conjugates 14
Cosine and Sine Transforms 16
Interpretation of the Formulas 18
3 Convolution 24
Examples of Convolution 27
Serial Products 30
Inversion of serial multiplication / The serial product in matrix notation /
Sequences as vectors
Convolution by Computer 39
The Autocorrelation Function and Pentagram Notation 40
The Triple Correlation 45
The Cross Correlation 46
The Energy Spectrum 47
4 Notation for Some Useful Functions 55
Rectangle Function of Unit Height and Base, n(x) 55
Triangle Function of Unit Height and Area, A(x) 57
Various Exponentials and Gaussian and Rayleigh Curves 57
Heaviside's Unit Step Function, H(x) 61
The Sign Function, sgn x 65
The Filtering or Interpolating Function, sine x 65
Pictorial Representation 68
Summary of Special Symbols 71
5 The Impulse Symbol 74
The Sifting Property 78
The Sampling or Replicating Symbol III(x) 81
The Even and Odd Impulse Pairs n(x) and II (x) 84
Derivatives of the hnpulse Symbol 85
Null Functions 87
Some Functions in Two or More Dimensions 89
The Concept of Generalized Function 92
Particularly well-behaved functions I Regular sequences I Generalized functions I
Algebra of generaliud functions / Differentiation of ordinary functions
6 The Basic Theorems 105
A Few Transforms for Illustration 105
Similarity Theorem 108
Addition Theorem 110
Shift Theorem 111
Modulation Theorem 113
Convolution Theorem 115
Rayleigh's Theorem 119
Power Theorem 120
Autocorrelation Theorem 122
Derivative Theorem 124
Derivative of a Convolution Integral 126
The Transform of a Generalized Function 127
Proofs of Theorems 128
Similarity and shift theorems / Derivative theorem / Power theorem
Summary of Theorems 129
7 Obtaining Transforms 136
Integration in Gosed Form 137
Numerical Fourier Transformation 140
The Slow Fourier Transform Program 142
Generation of Transforms by Theorems 145
Application of the Derivative Theorem to Segmented Functions 145
Measurement of Spectra 147
Radiofrequency spectral analysis / Optical Fourier transform spectroscopy
8 The Two Domains 151
Definite Integral 152
The First Moment 153
Centroid 155
Moment of Inertia (Second Moment) 156
Moments 157
Mean-Square Abscissa 158
Radius of Gyration 159
Variance 159
Smoothness and Compactness 160
Smoothness under Convolution 162
Asymptotic Behavior 163
Equivalent Width 164
Autocorrelation Width 170
Mean Square Widths 171
Sampling and Replication Commute 172
Some Inequalities 174
Upper limits to ordinate and slope / Schwarz's inequality
The Uncertainty Relation 177
Proof of uncertainty relation / Example of uncertainty relation
The Finite Difference 180
Running Means 184
Central Limit Theorem 186
Summary of Correspondences in the Two Domains 191
9 Waveforms, Spectra, Filters, and Linearity 198
Electrical Waveforms and Spectra 198
Filters 200
Generality of Linear Filter Theory 203
Digital Filtering 204
Interpretation of Theorems 205
Similarity theorem / Addition theorem / Shift theorem / Modulation theorem /
Converse of modulation theorem
Linearity and TIme Invariance 209
Periodicity 211
10 Sampling and Series 219
Sampling Theorem 219
Interpolation 224
Rectangular Filtering in Frequency Domain 224
Smoothing by Running Means 226
Undersampling 229
Ordinate and !5lope Sampling 230
Interlaced Sampling 232
Sampling in the Presence of Noise 234
Fourier Series 235
Gibbs phenomenon / Finite Fourier transforms / Fourier coefficients
Impulse Trains That Pile Periodic 245
The Shah Symbol Is Its Own Fourier Transform 246
11 The Discrete Fourier Transform and the FFT 258
The Discrete Transform Formula 258
Cyclic Convolution 264
Examples of Discrete Fourier Transforms 265
Reciprocal Property 266
Oddness and Evenness 266
Examples with Special Symmetry 267
Complex Conjugates 268
Reversal Property 268
Addition Theorem 268
Shift Theorem 268
Convolution Theorem 269
Product Theorem 269
Cross-Correlation 270
Autocorrelation 270
Sum of Sequence 270
First Value 270
Generalized Parseval-Rayleigh Theorem 271
Packing Theorem 271
Similarity Theorem 272
Examples Using MATLAB 272
The Fast Fourier Transform 275
Practical Considerations 278
Is the Discrete Fourier Transform Correct? 280
Applications of the FFT 281
Timing Diagrams 282
When N Is Not a Power of 2 283
Two-Dimensional Data 284
Power Spectra 285
12 The Discrete Hartley Transform 293
A Strictly Reciprocal Real Transform 293
Notation and Example 294
The Discrete Hartley Transform 295
Examples of DHT 297
Discussion 298
A Convolution of Algorithm in One and Two Dimensions 298
Two Dimensions 299
The Cas-Cas Transform 300
Theorems 300
The Discrete Sine and Cosine transforms 301
Boundary value problems J Data compression application
Computing 305
Cetting a Feel for Numerical Transforms 305
The Complex Hartley Transform 306
Physical Aspect of the Hartley Transformation 307
The Fast Hartley Transform 308
The Fast Algorithm 309
Running lime 314
Timing via the Stripe Diagram
Matrix Formulation
A Fast Hartley Subroutine
13 Relatives of the Fourier Transform
The Two-Dimensional Fourier Transform
Two-Dimensional Convolution
The Hankel Transform
Fourier Kernels
The Three-Dimensional Fourier Transform
The Hankel Transform in n Dimensions
The Mellin Transform
The z Transform
The Abel Transform
The Radon Transform and Tomography
The Abel-Fourier-Hnnkel ring of tmnsforrns / Projection-slice theorem /
Reconstruction by modified back projection
The Hilbert Transform
The analytic signal / Instl11ztaneous frequency l11zd envelope / Causality
Computing the Hilbert Transform
The Fractional Fourier Transform
Shift theorem / Derivntive theorems / Fractio1U1l convolution theorem /
Examples of transforms
14 The Laplace Transform
Convergence of the Laplace Integral
Theorems for the Laplace Transform
Transient-Response Problems
Laplace Transform Pairs
Natural Behavior
Impulse Response and Transfer Function
Initial-Value Pwblems
Setting Out Initial-Value Problems
Switching Problems
15 Antennas and Optics
One-Dimensional Apertures
Analogy with Waveforms and Spectra
Beam Width and Aperture Width
Beam Swinging
Arrays of Arrays
Spectral Sensitivity Function
Modulation Transfer Function 416
Physical Aspects of the Angular Spectrum 417
Two-Dimensional Theory 417
Optical Diffraction 419
Fresnel Diffraction 420
Other Applications of Fourier Analysis 422
16 Applications in Statistics 428
Distribution of a Sum 429
Consequences of the Convolution Relation 434
The Characteristic Function 435
The Truncated Exponential Distribution 436
The Poisson Distribution 438
17 Random Waveforms and Noise 446
Discrete Representation by Random Digits 447
Filtering a Random Input: Effect on Amplitude Distribution 450
Digression on independence / The convolution relation
Effect on Autocorrelation 455
Effect on Spectrum 458
Spectrum of random input / The output spectrum
Some Noise Records 462
Envelope of Bandpass Noise 465
Detection of a Noise Waveform 466
Measurement of Noise Power 466
18 Heat Conduction and Diffusion 475
One-Dimensional Diffusion 475
Gaussian Diffusion from a Point 480
Diffusion of a Spatial Sinusoid 481
Sinusoidal TIme Variation 485
19 Dynamic Power Spectra 489
The Concept of Dynamic Spectrum 489
The Dynamic Spectrograph 491
Computing the Dynamic Power Spectrum 494
Frequency division I Time division J Presentation
Equivalence Theorem 497
Envelope and Phase 498
Using log f instead of f 499
The Wavelet Transform 500
Adaptive Cell Placement 502
Elementary Chirp Signals (Chirplets) 502
The Wigner Distribution 504
20 Tables of sinc x, sinr x, and exp ( -1Tr) 508
21 Solutions to Selected Problems 513
Chapter 2 Groundwork 513
Chapter 3 Convolution 514
Chapter 4 Notation for Some Useful Functions 516
Chapter 5 The Impulse Symbol 517
Chapter 6 The Basic Theorems 522
Chapter 7 Obtaining Transforms 524
Chapter 8 The Two Domains 526
Chapter 9 Waveforms, Spectra, Filters, and Linearity 530
Chapter 10 Sampling and Series 532
Chapter 11 The Discrete Fourier Transform and the FFf 534
Chapter 12 The Hartley Transform 537
Chapter 13 Relatives of the Fourier Transform 538
Chapter 14 The Laplace Transform 539
Chapter 15 Antennas and Optics 545
Chapter 16 Applications in Statistics 555
Chapter 17 Random Waveforms and Noise 557
Chapter 18 Heat Conduction and Diffusion 565
Chapter 19 Dynamic Spectra and Wavelets 571
22 Pictorial Dictionary of Fourier Transfonns 573
Hartley Transforms of Some Functions without Symmetry 592
23 The Life of Joseph Fourier 594
Index 597