2.对于Path1这个组合逻辑gate,setup margin很充足,这条data path没设dont_touch,工具放着不管很奇怪,放图:
*info: Run optDesign holdfix with 1 thread.
Info: 666 don't touch nets, 0 undriven net excluded from IPO operation.
Info: 274 nets with fixed/cover wires excluded.
Info: 274 clock nets excluded from IPO operation.
Info: Done creating the CCOpt slew target map.
**WARN: (IMPOPT-3555): Final critical path includes at least one clock net connected to an output port. This may limit optimization capabilities. To stop CTE clock phase propagation on these ports, you can use `set_global timing_set_clock_source_to_output_as_data true`.