dynamic power = internal power + switch power
有些资料说internal power只是短路功耗,switch power是输出负载switch功耗
有些资料说internal power也包括cell内部的switch功耗,这个怎么理解?对于输出负载的switch功耗不是应该包括了这部分吗(如果只考虑输入变化,输出也变化)?
2. Internal power. Power consumed in charging & discharging of interconnect and device capacitances internal to a cell. Internal power can be divided into 2 parts:
a) Pin power
b) Arc power
Internal power is calculated using internal power tables in the Liberty file, which capture the characterized internal power over a range of input slew and external loading. The tables reflect the combination of both the internal switching and internal feedthrough power. If k-factor power scaling parameters (for PTV) are specified in the Liberty file, the power engine will take into consideration when calculating internal power. Note: timing related scaling factors are not handled by the power engine.