发表于 2020-12-17 17:46:54
DELMAX是仿真的最大步长限制, 如果其值与仿真总时间的量级相差太大 (10m/10P=1e9 !!), 仿真进度就会很慢. 去掉DEMAX后, 仿真步长是自动调整的, 当总仿真时间设置比较大的时候, 步长在电压变化小的时候也会自动增大.
<The designer's guide to SPICE and Spectre> 书中推荐设置:
If the simulator is not accurately following the turn-on transient of an oscillator, set the maximum time step (maxstep in Spectre, delmax in hspice) to at most one tenth the size of expected period of oscillation. |