发表于 2020-12-4 10:32:18
Use "cdb2oa" to conduct the conversion offline.
In a Linux terminal, issue the following command (to check whether cdb2oa is in the command search path):
> which cdb2oa[Enter]
If the answer is affirmative, the sytem should respond something similar as show below:
> /tools/IC617/tools/dfII/bin/cdb2oa
Type the command like below:
> cdb2oa -h[Enter]
The Linux system should respond messages like the following: (You then have all you need to know about converting library in CDB format to that in OA format.)
Usage: cdb2oa -lib <t_libName> -cdslibpath <t_libPath> <options>
-lib <t_libName> Specifies the name of the CDBA library to be translated.
Specify the name in the CDBA name space. This will also be
the name of the OpenAccess version of the library. You
cannot use the translator to rename a library.
-cdslibpath <t_libPath>
Specifies the path to the CDB library definitions file that
defines the library to be translated. The translator accepts
any file that uses standard Cadence cds.lib file syntax and
supports the use of the INCLUDE keyword in these files. If
you do not specify a filename, the translator defaults to
<options> can be any of the following:
-oalibpath <t_oaLibPath>
Specifies the directory for the OpenAccess version of the
library. The last element of the path must be the library
directory, into which the library cells and other files are
to be translated. Note that the cds.lib file is always
updated or created in the current directory. If you do not
current directory.
-cell <t_cellName>
Specifies the names of the cells to be translated. The
translator converts all of the cellviews present for the
specified cell names. To convert an individual cellview,
specify both -cell and -view.
-view <t_viewName>
Specifies the view names to be translated. The translator
converts all the views with the specified name. To convert
an individual cellview, specify both -cell and -view.
-viewtype <t_type>
Specifies the view types to be converted. Only cellviews
that map to the specified view type are translated.
Examples: maskLayout, schematic.
-topdown Translates all of the cellviews associated with a single top
cellview. When using -topdown, you must also use the -cell
and -view arguments to specify the cellview to start from.
The translator processes all of the cellviews present for
that cellview and all of the cellviews present for each of
the cell masters referenced by that cellview.
-printonly Reports what would be translated as a result of the cdb2oa
command, but performs no actual translation. The information
printed to the log file relates only to content of the
library in question. The -printonly argument cannot identify
interdependencies with other libraries.
-nooverwrite Prevents the translator overwriting OpenAccess data. Instead,
it writes only data that does not already exist in the
OpenAccess library. By default, the translator overwrites
existing data in the OpenAccess library.
-ignorelocks Ignores any edit locks on the CDBA data. By default, when a
source cellview is locked, it is not translated.
Note: This argument has no effect on edit locks in the
OpenAccess library, which the translator always honors.
-abspath Specifies that the absolute path to the translated library
should be written into the cds.lib file. By default, the
relative path name is written into cds.lib, unless you
specify an absolute path with -oalibpath.
-layermapfile <t_fileName>
Specifies a name for the layer mapping file, which contains
the stream translation rules removed from the technology
file. By default, the file is named libName.layermap. It
is placed in the same directory as the technology file from
which it was derived.
-iccrulesfile <t_fileName>
Specifies the paths to ASCII files containing ICC rules. If you
specify a rules file, only that file is processed and any ICC rules
in the technology file are ignored. The rules are mapped to the
virtuosoDefaultSetup constraint group in the OpenAccess technology file
unless you specify a different constraint group using the
-iccconstraintgroup argument.
-mapundefinedpingroups {strong|weak|must}
Maps the pin groups that do not use subnet extensions ("undefined pin groups")
to strong, weak, or must connect OpenAccess pin groups depending on the value
-iccconstraintgroup <t_name>
Specifies the OpenAccess constraint group into which ICC
rules are mapped. The translator picks up these rules from
the CDB technology file or from a separate ASCII file
specified using the -iccrulesfile argument. By default, the
rules are stored in the virtuosoDefaultSetup constraint
-iccrulesmapfile <t_name>
Specifies the path of the ASCII map file that maps ICC rules files to
constraint group names. The ASCII map file contains several entries in
the format "<ICC rules file path> <constraint group name>",
with each entry on a separate line. Do not use this argument along with
either -iccrulesfile or -iccconstraintgroup.
-createpathseg Converts 2-point CDB paths to OpenAccess pathSeg objects. By
default, the CDB paths are converted to OpenAccess paths.
-nodropinvalidCV Retains invalid cellview directories and their contents.
Creates OpenAccess cellview representations of CDB technology
device masters such as syContact, syPin, syRectPin, and
cdsVia. By default, syContact devices are mapped to
standardViaDef devices, syPin and syRectPin devices are
mapped to pin figures, then the device cellviews are removed
from the technology file. Use this argument to ensure that
pcells instantiating these devices continue to evaluate
correctly after conversion.
Note: Although the device masters are translated, they are
not recognized by the system as via objects.
-retainsympins Disables the flattening of symbolic pins. This option can be used
in conjunction with -keepdevicemasters option only.
-convertnonmaskablesympins <rect | dot | ignore>
Specifies translator to convert non-maskable symbolic
pins to rect pins or dot pins or ignore.
-disablecphuprev Disables automatic CPH legacy data uprev.
-disablecmxuprev Disables automatic CMX legacy data uprev.
-resetplacestatus { all | unplaced }
Resets the placement status of instances to "none". Specify
"all" to reset all instances, or "unplaced" to reset only
instances with placement status "unplaced". OpenAccess does
not display instances with placement status "unplaced".
-skipdir <t_list_of_dirNames>
Specifies a list of directory names to be skipped by the
translator. A directory with one of the specified names
is not translated.
-viamap <t_fileName>
Specifies a file listing the CDB via cellview masters to be
converted to oaCustomViaDefs in OpenAccess or to be mapped to any
existing stdViaDef in OpenAccess technology. If no stdViaDef is
given the translator adds the oaCustomViaDef definition to the
OpenAccess technology library and converts instances of the via
cellview to OpenAccess customVias referencing the new definition.
Note: You might need to have write permission to the OpenAccess
technology file to use this argument.
-mapviaparams For symbolic device/cdsVia instances use parameters default values
from CDB instance masters, instead from OA stdViaDef parameters list.
-log <t_fileName>
Records the translation in the specified file.
-appendlog Appends a record of the current translation to an existing
log file. You must use the -log argument to specify the log
file to which you want to append.
-report Prints additional messages to the log file and standard
output indicating the progress of the translation.
-tbrule <t_fileName>
Specifies the source Toolbox rule file to be translated.
-prrulelib <t_libName>
The name of the prRules library to be created.
-prrulelibpath <t_prruleLibPath>
Specifies the directory for creating prRules library.
Note that the cds.lib file is always updated or created
in the current directory. If you do not specify -prrulelibpath,
-prrulelibpath, the library is created into the current directory.
-force Force attach the specified prRules library.
-detectvias Detect the via defs and create them in the database.
-nodm Ignore DM settings.
-storedefaultspolicy <usepcellvalue | usecdfvalue>
Specifies whether to consider CDF param or pcell superMaster
param while creating a param on the OA instance. If you do
not specify -storedefaultspolicy, pcell superMaster param
is considered.
-parampolicy <abortontypedifference | abortondefaultvaluedifference
| abortonboth>
Specifies translator to abort when a mismatch of param
types and default values occur between CDF param and
default values occur between CDF param and pcell
superMaster param.
-loadskillfile <userSkillFile>
Specifies the top level SKILL file containing device definitions,
which user wants to load during the translation.
-processskillfile <skillFileName>
Specifies the SKILL file containing SKILL functions cdboaPreTrans() and cdboaPostTrans;
which user wants to load during the translation.
-scalelabelsize <label scale factor>
Specifies a positive scaling factor for text labels.
-keepcdbinstparams Retain CDB param defaults on instances.
Maps cdsVia with non-drawing purpose to customViaDef instead
of stdViaDef.
Specifies translator to abort if CDB technology library is not defined
in the CDB library definitions file.
Specifies to translate CDB enum property to OpenAccess string parameter.
Specifies to translate CDB path to OpenAccess polygon. Only the path with
a segment less than half width of the path will be converted.
Specifies to convert all special characters except '$' and '?' for
instances and mosaics into '_'.
-h[elp] Prints this text.