icc_shell> list_libs
Warning: No libraries to list. (UID-275)
点击 UID-275,出现:
The error is:
couldn't fork child process: not enough memory
Extended error information is:
couldn't fork child process: not enough memory
while executing
"open "|cat $tmpfilename | $man2html" r"
(procedure "snpsDocBrowser::getManPageAsHtml_builtinMan" line 36)
invoked from within
"getManPageAsHtml_builtinMan $f"
(procedure "snpsDocBrowser::getManPageAsHtml" line 14)
invoked from within
"snpsDocBrowser::getManPageAsHtml UID-275"
icc_shell> derive_pg_connection -power_net $p_name -power_pin $p_name -ground_net $g_name -ground_pin $g_name
Error: Pin name VDD specified by power_pin or ground_pin option is invalid. (MWUI-715)
Error: Pin name VSS specified by power_pin or ground_pin option is invalid. (MWUI-715)
Error: derive_pg_connection failed
Error evaluating dynamic page.
The error is:
couldn't fork child process: not enough memory
Extended error information is:
couldn't fork child process: not enough memory
while executing
"open "|cat $tmpfilename | $man2html" r"
(procedure "snpsDocBrowser::getManPageAsHtml_builtinMan" line 36)
invoked from within
"getManPageAsHtml_builtinMan $f"
(procedure "snpsDocBrowser::getManPageAsHtml" line 14)
invoked from within
"snpsDocBrowser::getManPageAsHtml MWUI-715"