Writing simulator output to file "/root/simulation/DC/spectre/schematic/netlist/paraplot-sim-out".
21 parametric simulations remaining.
Setting Vgs = 1
Begin Incremental Netlisting Mar 13 07:08:10 2020
End netlisting Mar 13 07:08:11 2020
The netlist is up to date.
Time taken to compare the design with netlist: 1.0s
INFO (ADE-3069): Errors encountered during simulation. For more information, see the log files
accessible from the Simulation -> Output Log menu.
Simulation unsuccessful during parametric sweep
Stopping parametric simulation...
INFO (ADE-3072): Simulation is stopped by user. Simulation results may not be complete.
WARNING (OCN-6040): The specified directory does not exist, or the directory does not contain valid PSF results.
Ensure that the path to the directory is correct and the directory has a logFile and PSF result files.
The simulator output is in the file "/root/simulation/DC/spectre/schematic/netlist/paraplot-sim-out".
Parametric simulation failed for first point.