楼主 |
发表于 2019-11-4 16:14:08
The Scripted Integration Mode
In this mode, when ccopt_design command is run, the EDI System produces a CCOpt control script, starts the separate CCOpt binary, optimizes the design in CCOpt and then returns to EDI and loads the optimized design. The CCOpt configuration is performed using the set_ccopt_mode command
Native Integration Mode:
This mode uses CCOpt functionality that has been integrated into the core EDI system. All CCOpt optimization is performed within the EDI system, with no need to start separate binaries or produce control scripts. The native integration mode has an advantage over the scripted integration mode in that it avoids the timing and routing correlation errors that result from performing CCOpt optimization with separate timing and routing engines, and it takes advantage of multi-CPU optimization to significantly reduce the runtime of CCOpt.
我认为这只是表面的差别。但是我没明白为什么会有两个模式,如果一个模式有优势的话还要另外一个模式干什么,什么时候用哪个模式,怎么用 |